Yesterday was Christmas day and I woke up pretty early because I was excited to open my presents even though I knew everything I was getting. The reason why I know all the presents I'm going to get is because I have to shopping with my parents because I don't have a babysitter or a nanny. This year I got a lot of clothes, some new skis and skiing equipment (for snow club) and some other thigns. I really though that this Christmas was the best I had yet. We planned to go watch a movie but then changed out minds to play Monopoly instead. I had a great Christmas!
Friday, December 26, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Today was the first official day of winter break. I'm very excited for Christmas because its a time to spend time with family. Here's a fiction story about a girl who is very excited for Christmas.
Today was Christmas day! Rosie sat straight up in her lush, heated bed, with her soft, plush, sprig green sheets and a blanket that had a chick on a sprigged tree. Rosie lived in a great big mansion with her 3 brothers and her mom and dad, and her purebred golden retriever dog. Every Christmas her family would put up their great big tree and put all the decorations on it, with the candy canes whose colors pop out at you like a jack-in-the-box. Every year they would all go shopping for their presents separately then go into their rooms; each room took up a whole floor. Then the presents would fill under the tree just as fast as children eating candy. Now across the neighborhood there was another girl named Rose. She woke up on her straw stuffed mattress with her patchwork quilt still torn but still clean and crisp.
To be continued
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Today when Ania and I were outside some people from across the street shouted some mean things through their window. "Hey there's the little white girl. (A little pause) And the little Chinese girl!" Now I think that was racist because they were African American. So I think they shouldn't have said those things because what did we ever do to them? We didn't call them any names and yet they call us names. I think its because of what's on the news about the Ferguson thing and what happened. Maybe they thought that that police officer shouldn't have gotten no punishment, but that's no reason to be mean to others. Its like the rule KVKWKA. Kind Voice Kind Words Kind Actions, and they weren't following Kind Words. But I believe in Karma and I think they should get punished for what they said. If Karma is real then they will learn their lesson.
I'm not trying to be raciest I'm just telling what happened.
I'm not trying to be raciest I'm just telling what happened.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
I'm really excited for the holidays because I get to relax and have time to study for math, science, and social studies. Also I want to read! I hope I got a book that I really, really, really want! I also hope to go sledding (if we have snow) and go skiing. Now that I learned how to ski I want to do it again! Also I get to spend a lot of time with my family. So that's why I'm excited for Winter Break.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Today in orchestra we shared what we thought about the concert a couple week ago, what our parents thought, what were our favorite songs, and what we can improve on. Some people didn't get to share so here's what I think. I really liked the concert even though we played only 2 songs, but we had to share the spotlight with the 7th and 8th graders. My parents thought I was really good and so was the orchestra. They didn't hear any mistakes. My favorite songs were Black Diamond (8th), Haunted Carousel (8th) and Gargoyles (7th and 8th). I liked those songs because they were supenceful, fast paced and very good! I also think we should balence the sound such as the cellos, bases, violas, and violins aren't louder than each other. So that's why I though about our concert.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Today snow club was canceled and I’m kind of happy because today I’m just not in the mood because I’m really tired. Also I can’t wait until Christmas because it’s a time of giving and getting together with family. I’m celebrating Christmas with my mom and dad. Our Christmas tree was set up on Thanksgiving because it’s a tradition from when my dad was a little boy and my grandma was a little girl. This year I got to put up the star at the top. It was really a memory I’ll keep because I didn’t get to put the star up yet until now!
Monday, December 15, 2014
AHW-Rubber Bands
Today I went to the orthodontist (again) and I gave her I card to thank her for everything she did. Even though everything she did hurt really bad. Today she had to put on a new wire, a chain that's the color red and rubber bands. I have to take the rubber bands out every time I eat and brush my teeth. They hurt soooooooooooooo much! I also hate them sooooooo much! I can't wait until I get my braces off. Then I'll be able to chew gum and not have hurting teeth! Yay, I can't wait! Expect I have 6 months to go.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Yesterday I went with my parents to MCourts to rent a new cello because my orchestra teacher says I needed to get a bigger size cello a 3/4 size. I was really excited to try out my new cello so as soon as I got her me I tried out my cello and it sounded amazing! It sounded way better than my old cello. I had to go to a ski and snowboard store to bye my skis because when I go to snow club I don't want to wait for about 45 minutes to rent skis there. I had to go a store 1 hour away then I found out that we have to go back 3 days later because they have to balance, sharpen, and wax my skis. I had a choice of color between white, black, and red or pink, purple, white and light blue. I hate the colors pink and purple and even though you might see me wear pink or purple that's because my mom bought me the clothes so now I have to wear them. But I'm really glad my parents bought me skis and a cello! I think I'm really lucky.
Friday, December 12, 2014
But even as that thought touched his mind he knew that for him only the shadow would be rootless and without any stake in the country that had bred him to drift home nor any hope of such
I saw / a gray-green slimy thing/ like a snail/without a shell,/ only bigger / the size of a rat.
I saw / a gray-green slimy thing/ like a snail/without a shell,/ only bigger / the size of a rat.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Today I had a orchestra concert at 7:00! Here is part of the story:
I walked into the cafeteria and if I said I was nervous I would be lying. I am not nervous at all, not even a little. I was nervous last year but now I'm used to it, and its like the audience was not even there. I was carrying my cello and my hands were hurting from carrying it so long with just one, now very sore hand. I quickly set it down then went to talk to Amanda and Mia M. We were just talking about how none of us were nervous and then we went to sit in our seats. Now I was sitting right next to Alex K. who sat at the end and on my other side was Mia M. Then next to Mia was Amanda. I sat in the correct position with my cello while Amanda and Mia were playing a really fast version of Finale. Du-da-du-da-da! That was one of the melody's.
To be continued...
I walked into the cafeteria and if I said I was nervous I would be lying. I am not nervous at all, not even a little. I was nervous last year but now I'm used to it, and its like the audience was not even there. I was carrying my cello and my hands were hurting from carrying it so long with just one, now very sore hand. I quickly set it down then went to talk to Amanda and Mia M. We were just talking about how none of us were nervous and then we went to sit in our seats. Now I was sitting right next to Alex K. who sat at the end and on my other side was Mia M. Then next to Mia was Amanda. I sat in the correct position with my cello while Amanda and Mia were playing a really fast version of Finale. Du-da-du-da-da! That was one of the melody's.
To be continued...
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Tonight I'm going to the Project COPE presentation video for our parents to watch. I'm not excited to see myself preform again. I hate, well more like highly dislike watching myself in front of a crowd. my parents want to go tonight because they didn't go with me to Washington D.C. Right now I'm in the media center waiting for the vedio to start. There are only 5 people in the room not including me: Jacob P, his dad, my mom and dad, and Lilly M's mom. I hope more people show up! Now I have to go. Mrs. Roberts, her son, and Lilly just came in.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Today I learned how to stop, and turn on my skis. I fell down a total of 4 or 5 times, which is pretty good for someone who never skied before. When I got off the charter bus I got my ski stuff and went into the lodge to get my skis and boots. I first had to fill out a slip for the ski rental and the boots. Then I had to put them on which was kind of complicated. Then I had to go to my first ski lesson. It was on the smallest slope of all of them and we had to ride a 'magic carpet' to get to the top. We were learning how to stand correctly on the skis first then how to bend your knees and made a wedge if you want to stop. At the beginning I wasn't that good but I got better and now I'm pretty good. The only problem I have is that I can't turn my direction very well. By the way to clarify I'm turning before I'm moving. I can't wait until I go again next week!
Monday, December 8, 2014
Snow Club
Tomorrow I'm going to go skiing for Snow club. Snow club is a club where you go to either go skiing or snowboarding on Pine Knob. I never went skiing or snowboarding in my whole life so I'm really excited for this trip tomorrow. I packed everything I need for skiing in a big gray bag. I honestly can't wait! But I'll have to!
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Open House Intro (AHW)
I walked through the doors of the school clutching my black spiral science notebook. Today was Open house and I was so excited to give a tour to incoming 3, 4 and 5th graders, who might go to BCS next year. I went into the hallway and got my bright yellow, 'Ask Me About BCS!' sticker with my name printed on it as neat as a typewriter. I went to my locker bay and tryied to open my locker. Click, click, click, swish. When the lock as I spun the dial 3 times and lifted it up hoping it would work. It did. Just as smooth as fudge melting in your mouth as you bite into it. I went to the front and saw Ellie with her sister.
"Hi Ellie." I called.
"Hi Ellie." I called.
"Oh, Hi Shin Be, I brought my science notebook." She showed me her black composition notebook.
"Great, lets go work on it." I replied.
I walked with her to the lockers again. We were going to check we had the same things in our notebook. We also had to make the data chart.
We sat down on the scratchy carpet and I got out my 4 rulers and carefully chose which one I wanted to use. In the end I chose my blue metallic ruler. I let Ellie use my blue plastic ruler. We made our data table and as soon as we finished; "Hi Shin Be, hi Ellie."
I jerked my head up in surprise.
"Oh hi Ania." I replied.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
I walked into school a dozen things on my mind. Just like a animal in the wild running from its predator, it has so many things to worry about. I was worrying about my science test scores, my math test scores, whether I was going to do good on the social studies test and whether I was going to have any more test this week. I was so occupied I ran into a 3rd grader. Well the 3rd grader actually ran into me. But he didn't even say sorry. How rude. I walked into my locker bay surprised at how quiet it was. No offense to anyone in my locker bay but it gets pretty crowded and noisy. I quickly put my stuff in my locked expect for my iPad, my book and my pencil case with a picture of Snoopy the dog on it.
"Anyer!" I heard the voice of Vivian call out. I walked into the hall and saw Vivian.
"Oh hi Shin Be, have you seen Ania? She was walking with me one minute and the she was gone."
"Nope haven't seen her." I replied.
"Thanks, I'll check her locker." Vivian said back.
I looked back into the hallway and and saw Ania there.
"Hi Ania, did you know Vivian was looking for you?" I asked
"Really I didn't know, I just stopped to talk to my friends." Ania said sounding mildly surprised.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
"Fa, la, la, Jingle Bells-" I sung very merrily.
"Vroom, VROom, VROOM! Went the vacuum cleaner.
I was decorating our Christmas tree with my dad on the day of thanksgiving. I hung up a silver, sparkly, acorn and hung it right in the middle of the tree.
"That looks great, what do you think?" My dad shouted over the noise of the vacuum.
"I think that look fine to me, can we start cooking thanksgiving lunch?" I asked, very excited to cook the stuffing. Kind of. Not really, I would just help. But it would still be fun.
"Okay, let's go get everything out." My dad replied.
"Yes!!" I said exclaimed. I could barley wait until I sat down to eat the delicious feast that was thanksgiving dinner.
I ran into the bathroom to wash my hands 2 times, just to be sure. I raced back into the kitchen and said:
"Can I cut up the mushroom?" I begged. I loved hearing the squishy sound of the knife cutting the little pieces of mushroom.
"Sure, but don't cut yourself." My dad warned me.
"I know, I'll be careful." I said back knowing that's what he said to me every time I picked up a knife to cut food.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
My teeth:
I woke up still very, very tired. I slowly turned my head towards the faint glowing red light of my alarm clock. It read: 6:43am. I switched off my alarm clock and went to the kitchen to eat. But then when I took a bite of my oatmeal I realized that I teeth were aching from the visit to the orthodontist😭. My teeth were so sore I couldn't even eat a bite of oatmeal! Oatmeal is soooooooo soft, but I couldn't even chew that. All through the day I was very hungry because it took a long time just to eat 2 small beef pancakes with veggies. When I got home I ate half of my leafy over lunch then worked on my science and social studies tests.
Monday, December 1, 2014
"It was fine. I replied. How was yours?"
"Oh it was great, thanks for asking."
I was at the orthodontist's office
sitting in one of the plastic chairs with earbuds glued in my ears. I was
breathing in deeply smelling the gross, yet intriguing smell of the dentist. I
was on my dad shiny white Iphone 5s. I was watching a movie and waiting until my
orthodontist came out. It was so long I started to get super tired and slowly,
slowly my eyes started to close. I jerked my head straight up, as if I just had
a drink from a highly caffeinated soda. I saw my dad had just tapped me to let
me know that I had to go in to my orthodontists office. I slowly took out my
earbuds and took off my heavy, puffy purple coat. I walked into her office while
she asked me
"How was you're thanksgiving?" She asked
me."It was fine. I replied. How was yours?"
"Oh it was great, thanks for asking."
Later I got some blue rubber bands to
move my teeth closer together when I got my 4 adult teeth pulled out. They're kind of tight but they look like this:
![]() |
The blue rubber bands are only on the bottom teeth. |
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Today I awoke with a cool gust of air blow into my face. I sat up, groggily and saw I was in a slay being pulled by 6 reindeer, and there were 2 people steering: Mrs. and Mr. Claus. When the slay stopped I was inside Somerset mall right in front of Iveiva and Lu-Lu Lemon. I went into Ivevia and bought some clothes that Santa Claus bought. Then we went to Bath and Body Works and bought some lotions. It was all really fun and I thanked them so much. Then it was time for me to go home, it had been a good few hours.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Today for thanksgiving we did our thanksgiving tradition: to put up and decorate the Christmas tree. When I got up at around 8:00 and my dad got up at 8:30 (I get up the earliest in the family) we ate a small breakfast of eggs and some bread. Afterwards we got cleaned and took showers and got dressed, then we got out the Christmas tree and figured out the lighting. Then we put up the silver acorns, the red ornaments, and last but not least, the star. This year I was tall enough to put it on the tree (while standing on the ladder), and it felt memorial. Then my dad cooked the meal and my mom and I helped. I mostly made the stuffing and set the table. Overall it was a really great thanksgiving:)
Thanksgiving Poem
My family's reaction was they were very happy and touched by what I said. Here's the video.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
I walked into school with my dad holding my snow club form, at 7:48, after my dad drove me to school getting me to school exactly on time. I didn't expect to see that many people here for snow club. I was wrong, very wrong. There were already 45 people there and they only take the first 50 people. I counted everyone and I was 46th in line, which (thankfully) meant that I got in. The bad thing was they took papers starting at 8:00 :( because I had 12 more minutes to wait in line. During that 12 minutes Megan, Vivian, Nyiathi, and Ania all walked past me and asked 'what are all these people here for?' 'Hi Shin Be' and things like that.
Monday, November 24, 2014
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe they think they can copy us!" Rosalina De La Lune exclaimed.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"Well, well well, look what we have here" Mr. Tomson said with contempt. " Having this kind of nonsense is against school rules and I will have to take this table away from you as well as all of the bling on this table. Do you understand me?" Mr. Tomson now practically yelling.
"Yes Mr. Tomson, we understand." Thè group said in unison as well as being very glum and monotone.
"Ok, sweetie we'll have this table delivered to you right away." The principal said with love in his voice.
"Thanks Daddy, you're the best." Abigail said.
"You're very welcome, sweetie" The principal said while he gave Abigail a hug. While Abigail was giving her dad a hug she was facing Rosalina (Rosie) and she gave them a mean facing while she was mouthing the word losers.
"Uh, Mr. Tomson, your daughter was calling us losers and making mean faces at us." Rosie said.
"Nonsense, I know you're upset about getting you're table taken away but that doesn't mean you have to make things up. That shows very poor character. I'm really disappointed in you." He said in a disapproving tone.
"I don't want to hear it Rosalina De La Lune. That better be your last word I hear from you today." The principal said with a tone of authority.
"Yes sir." Rosie said very glumly.
The principal now left and Carmella stood up wearing her pale pink dress with the light sprig mint colored trim around the hem. She walked over to Abagail her heels on her boots were clicking.
"Abagail, I'm tired of you always thinking you're going to be popular one day just because you dads the principal! You're mean to everyone and you still expect them to be nice to you." Carmella's voice was slowly getting louder until she was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Well you're never going to be popular so just stop taking other peoples things. That doesn't make you cool. By the way we all know that bag is a fake."
"Well- Abagail started to scream, her voice was a shout as well.
"I don't want to hear you saying how you're daddy's going to give us detention." Carmella screamed.
"Well my dad is going to give you detention, I'm tried of you acting like you're in charge of everyone. You always think you're never going to get in trouble just because everyone loves you. Well I'm here to stop you!" Abagail screamed at the very,very, very top of her lungs.��
Virgina spoke up with the air of someone very proper and formal. "Actually, the truth is that you are being hypocritical about them because you're actually the one whose doing all of those things. Also I very humbly agree about you're bag being a cheap knock off version of a 'Creme Da La Lay' Handbag. That is all I wish to say." Virgina said all in the manner of they were merely discussing the weather.
"And you with all of you're fancy pants talk with 'merely, humbly and hypocritical.' Abigail's best friend, Jamie Rottweiler said with the anger of a tiger having its babies attacked.
"Well, must I say it is much better than being a tattle tale or know as a snitch." Now Jamie always told on people whether they disagreed with her or whether they sat next to her, she was always telling on people. Virginia said with the humbleness of a poet telling its poem.
"Oh, you did not just go there, Virpina Poo Permont." Jamie said with so much anger that it was surprising that she looked like she was about to cry. "Oh Mrs. Lunch lady, they're calling me names like 'Poomie, Joomie'. They made me cry then they laughed about it." Jamie said her lip quivering.
"That is so not true, she's so lying! Marcella said levelheaded. Ask anyone in this room what happened and they'll say Jamie's lying. So I'm 100% certain that Jamie was lying and I wasn't making it up. Mrs. Wilbur.
"Now, sweetie, I believe you and I'm going to give Jamie detention! Now not one peep from you young lady." When Jamie was going to open her mouth to complain.
"Yeah, good job Marcy!" Rosie, Virginia, and Carmella all shouted starting a chant, that everyone in the whole cafeteria shouted expect for Abagail.
"Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-C-Ella! Mar-C-Ella! Mar-C-Ella!" The crowd roared.
Bong, Dong, Bing-a-ling Dong. Went the bell loud and clear over the chanting.
"Um, will Abigail and Rosie and her 3 friends please come down to Mr. Tomson's office at 3:00, right after school ends? Thank you have a great day." Said the voice through the speaker.
"Oooooo, looks like Ms. Goody-Goody's in trouble along with Ms. Smarty Pants, Ms. Prankster, and Ms. Brave." Abagail crowed.
"For you're info- you're probably in trouble too." Marcy said matter-of-factly.
"Yea-wait what? You expect me to believe that the principals daughter is in trouble? Yeah right. I'm probably going to be there to watch you guys get in trouble. Which is fine with me." Abagail declared.
"Now when you put it that way... of course that's what I think: you're also going there to get in trouble!" Carmella said, really loudly.
"Hey, you know what? Rosie said really loudly. I think you're both acting like babies."
Now all that anger from both of those enemy's went into Rosie's brain and was transported into a magical power where she could transport people into other worlds such as Mine Craft. So you harnessed that power and something great happened. A portal opened up and sucked up Abagail and Rosie and her friends and at the last moment Jamie got sucked in to. They got dumped right next to a village.
"Listen up. If you don't work together to survive 1 whole week of this with monster on they you will all die. Understand?" Said a very stern and angry voice.
"Listen up. If you don't work together to survive 1 whole week of this with monster on they you will all die. Understand?" Said a very stern and angry voice.
"Yes, we understand." They all said.
"Ok guys, how about Abagail and Marcy go find wood, flowers and things like that. Woodland.
"OK, lets go." Marcy said not wanting to be eaten by monsters at night.
"Jamie and Carmi can you go collect blocks of cobblestone, iron, coal, gold and get pickaxes made of both cobblestone and wood. Also get swords and every other tool there is and make like 20 of each of them. Get more wood and blocks of everything you can find. Also collect furnaces and crafting boxes. Also everything related to that."
About 2 hours later Rosie crated a house that had a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, panty, bedrooms, dressing rooms, closets, bathrooms, secret room, weapons room, hideout, a garden, and a playroom.
When they all came back and they put everything they collected into the house they sat down to eat a meal of roasted chicken, a salad of potatoes, carrots, beetroots, and wheat seeds. They also have some water.
"Okay everyone, it's dark now so we can either go swimming, play a game or go to bed."
"Wait we have a pool?" Marcy asked.
"Yeah, what do you think I did with all those buckets of water?"
"Good point." Jamie said.
So they all went to the pool to swim and have fun. At around 10 they went to bed.
"OMG! What is that creepy thing?" Abigail shrieked.
It was a huge spider.
"Everyone to the weapons room." Yelled Carmella.
Everyone rushed to the weapons room and put on diamond breastplates, gold legging, silver or copper boots and helmets.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe they think they can copy us!" Rosalina De La Lune exclaimed.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"Well, well well, look what we have here" Mr. Tomson said with contempt. " Having this kind of nonsense is against school rules and I will have to take this table away from you as well as all of the bling on this table. Do you understand me?" Mr. Tomson now practically yelling.
"Yes Mr. Tomson, we understand." Thè group said in unison as well as being very glum and monotone.
"Ok, sweetie we'll have this table delivered to you right away." The principal said with love in his voice.
"Thanks Daddy, you're the best." Abigail said.
"You're very welcome, sweetie" The principal said while he gave Abigail a hug. While Abigail was giving her dad a hug she was facing Rosalina (Rosie) and she gave them a mean facing while she was mouthing the word losers.
"Uh, Mr. Tomson, your daughter was calling us losers and making mean faces at us." Rosie said.
"Nonsense, I know you're upset about getting you're table taken away but that doesn't mean you have to make things up. That shows very poor character. I'm really disappointed in you." He said in a disapproving tone.
"I don't want to hear it Rosalina De La Lune. That better be your last word I hear from you today." The principal said with a tone of authority.
"Yes sir." Rosie said very glumly.
The principal now left and Carmella stood up wearing her pale pink dress with the light sprig mint colored trim around the hem. She walked over to Abagail her heels on her boots were clicking.
"Abagail, I'm tired of you always thinking you're going to be popular one day just because you dads the principal! You're mean to everyone and you still expect them to be nice to you." Carmella's voice was slowly getting louder until she was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Well you're never going to be popular so just stop taking other peoples things. That doesn't make you cool. By the way we all know that bag is a fake."
"Well- Abagail started to scream, her voice was a shout as well.
"I don't want to hear you saying how you're daddy's going to give us detention." Carmella screamed.
"Well my dad is going to give you detention, I'm tried of you acting like you're in charge of everyone. You always think you're never going to get in trouble just because everyone loves you. Well I'm here to stop you!" Abagail screamed at the very,very, very top of her lungs.��
Virgina spoke up with the air of someone very proper and formal. "Actually, the truth is that you are being hypocritical about them because you're actually the one whose doing all of those things. Also I very humbly agree about you're bag being a cheap knock off version of a 'Creme Da La Lay' Handbag. That is all I wish to say." Virgina said all in the manner of they were merely discussing the weather.
"And you with all of you're fancy pants talk with 'merely, humbly and hypocritical.' Abigail's best friend, Jamie Rottweiler said with the anger of a tiger having its babies attacked.
"Well, must I say it is much better than being a tattle tale or know as a snitch." Now Jamie always told on people whether they disagreed with her or whether they sat next to her, she was always telling on people. Virginia said with the humbleness of a poet telling its poem.
"Oh, you did not just go there, Virpina Poo Permont." Jamie said with so much anger that it was surprising that she looked like she was about to cry. "Oh Mrs. Lunch lady, they're calling me names like 'Poomie, Joomie'. They made me cry then they laughed about it." Jamie said her lip quivering.
"That is so not true, she's so lying! Marcella said levelheaded. Ask anyone in this room what happened and they'll say Jamie's lying. So I'm 100% certain that Jamie was lying and I wasn't making it up. Mrs. Wilbur.
"Now, sweetie, I believe you and I'm going to give Jamie detention! Now not one peep from you young lady." When Jamie was going to open her mouth to complain.
"Yeah, good job Marcy!" Rosie, Virginia, and Carmella all shouted starting a chant, that everyone in the whole cafeteria shouted expect for Abagail.
"Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-C-Ella! Mar-C-Ella! Mar-C-Ella!" The crowd roared.
Bong, Dong, Bing-a-ling Dong. Went the bell loud and clear over the chanting.
"Um, will Abigail and Rosie and her 3 friends please come down to Mr. Tomson's office at 3:00, right after school ends? Thank you have a great day." Said the voice through the speaker.
"Oooooo, looks like Ms. Goody-Goody's in trouble along with Ms. Smarty Pants, Ms. Prankster, and Ms. Brave." Abagail crowed.
"For you're info- you're probably in trouble too." Marcy said matter-of-factly.
"Yea-wait what? You expect me to believe that the principals daughter is in trouble? Yeah right. I'm probably going to be there to watch you guys get in trouble. Which is fine with me." Abagail declared.
"Now when you put it that way... of course that's what I think: you're also going there to get in trouble!" Carmella said, really loudly.
"Hey, you know what? Rosie said really loudly. I think you're both acting like babies."
Now all that anger from both of those enemy's went into Rosie's brain and was transported into a magical power where she could transport people into other worlds such as Mine Craft. So you harnessed that power and something great happened. A portal opened up and sucked up Abagail and Rosie and her friends and at the last moment Jamie got sucked in to. They got dumped right next to a village.
"Listen up. If you don't work together to survive 1 whole week of this with monster on they you will all die. Understand?" Said a very stern and angry voice.
"Listen up. If you don't work together to survive 1 whole week of this with monster on they you will all die. Understand?" Said a very stern and angry voice.
"Yes, we understand." They all said.
"Ok guys, how about Abagail and Marcy go find wood, flowers and things like that. Woodland.
"OK, lets go." Marcy said not wanting to be eaten by monsters at night.
"Jamie and Carmi can you go collect blocks of cobblestone, iron, coal, gold and get pickaxes made of both cobblestone and wood. Also get swords and every other tool there is and make like 20 of each of them. Get more wood and blocks of everything you can find. Also collect furnaces and crafting boxes. Also everything related to that."
"Got it lets go." They said.
"Now Virginia, you go collect the food and I'll make a house right here out of the materials I can find. Got it?"
"Yep, bye." She called.
"Yep, bye." She called.
When they all came back the house was almost done.
"Hey guys. I made the area for the kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedrooms, pantry, playroom, storage room, weapons room, secret room, hiding room, our tree house and our garden. You guys just need to put the things you collect into the right rooms. We only have about 1 or 2 more hours before its nighttime."
"We're on it." Came the response.
"We're on it." Came the response.
When it was nighttime everything was in place, the torches, the beds, the food, everything.
"Ok is we sleep then when we wake up most of the monsters will be gone. Now we don't have to eat unless we're hurt, but lets have a snack to congratulate us for doing all of this in about 3 hours."
"Yeah." Everyone cheered.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe they think they can copy us!" Rosalina De La Lune exclaimed.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"Well, well well, look what we have here" Mr. Tomson said with contempt. " Having this kind of nonsense is against school rules and I will have to take this table away from you as well as all of the bling on this table. Do you understand me?" Mr. Tomson now practically yelling.
"Yes Mr. Tomson, we understand." Thè group said in unison as well as being very glum and monotone.
"Ok, sweetie we'll have this table delivered to you right away." The principal said with love in his voice.
"Thanks Daddy, you're the best." Abigail said.
"You're very welcome, sweetie" The principal said while he gave Abigail a hug. While Abigail was giving her dad a hug she was facing Rosalina (Rosie) and she gave them a mean facing while she was mouthing the word losers.
"Uh, Mr. Tomson, your daughter was calling us losers and making mean faces at us." Rosie said.
"Nonsense, I know you're upset about getting you're table taken away but that doesn't mean you have to make things up. That shows very poor character. I'm really disappointed in you." He said in a disapproving tone.
"I don't want to hear it Rosalina De La Lune. That better be your last word I hear from you today." The principal said with a tone of authority.
"Yes sir." Rosie said very glumly.
The principal now left and Carmella stood up wearing her pale pink dress with the light sprig mint colored trim around the hem. She walked over to Abagail her heels on her boots were clicking.
"Abagail, I'm tired of you always thinking you're going to be popular one day just because you dads the principal! You're mean to everyone and you still expect them to be nice to you." Carmella's voice was slowly getting louder until she was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Well you're never going to be popular so just stop taking other peoples things. That doesn't make you cool. By the way we all know that bag is a fake."
"Well- Abagail started to scream, her voice was a shout as well.
"I don't want to hear you saying how you're daddy's going to give us detention." Carmella screamed.
"Well my dad is going to give you detention, I'm tried of you acting like you're in charge of everyone. You always think you're never going to get in trouble just because everyone loves you. Well I'm here to stop you!" Abagail screamed at the very,very, very top of her lungs.��
Virgina spoke up with the air of someone very proper and formal. "Actually, the truth is that you are being hypocritical about them because you're actually the one whose doing all of those things. Also I very humbly agree about you're bag being a cheap knock off version of a 'Creme Da La Lay' Handbag. That is all I wish to say." Virgina said all in the manner of they were merely discussing the weather.
"And you with all of you're fancy pants talk with 'merely, humbly and hypocritical.' Abigail's best friend, Jamie Rottweiler said with the anger of a tiger having its babies attacked.
"Well, must I say it is much better than being a tattle tale or know as a snitch." Now Jamie always told on people whether they disagreed with her or whether they sat next to her, she was always telling on people. Virginia said with the humbleness of a poet telling its poem.
"Oh, you did not just go there, Virpina Poo Permont." Jamie said with so much anger that it was surprising that she looked like she was about to cry. "Oh Mrs. Lunch lady, they're calling me names like 'Poomie, Joomie'. They made me cry then they laughed about it." Jamie said her lip quivering.
"That is so not true, she's so lying! Marcella said levelheaded. Ask anyone in this room what happened and they'll say Jamie's lying. So I'm 100% certain that Jamie was lying and I wasn't making it up. Mrs. Wilbur.
"Now, sweetie, I believe you and I'm going to give Jamie detention! Now not one peep from you young lady." When Jamie was going to open her mouth to complain.
"Yeah, good job Marcy!" Rosie, Virginia, and Carmella all shouted starting a chant, that everyone in the whole cafeteria shouted expect for Abagail.
"Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-C-Ella! Mar-C-Ella! Mar-C-Ella!" The crowd roared.
Bong, Dong, Bing-a-ling Dong. Went the bell loud and clear over the chanting.
"Um, will Abigail and Rosie and her 3 friends please come down to Mr. Tomson's office at 3:00, right after school ends? Thank you have a great day." Said the voice through the speaker.
"Oooooo, looks like Ms. Goody-Goody's in trouble along with Ms. Smarty Pants, Ms. Prankster, and Ms. Brave." Abagail crowed.
"For you're info- you're probably in trouble too." Marcy said matter-of-factly.
"Yea-wait what? You expect me to believe that the principals daughter is in trouble? Yeah right. I'm probably going to be there to watch you guys get in trouble. Which is fine with me." Abagail declared.
"Now when you put it that way... of course that's what I think: you're also going there to get in trouble!" Carmella said, really loudly.
"Hey, you know what? Rosie said really loudly. I think you're both acting like babies."
Now all that anger from both of those enemy's went into Rosie's brain and was transported into a magical power where she could transport people into other worlds such as Mine Craft. So you harnessed that power and something great happened. A portal opened up and sucked up Abagail and Rosie and her friends and at the last moment Jamie got sucked in to. They got dumped right next to a village.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe they think they can copy us!" Rosalina De La Lune exclaimed.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"Well, well well, look what we have here" Mr. Tomson said with contempt. " Having this kind of nonsense is against school rules and I will have to take this table away from you as well as all of the bling on this table. Do you understand me?" Mr. Tomson now practically yelling.
"Yes Mr. Tomson, we understand." Thè group said in unison as well as being very glum and monotone.
"Ok, sweetie we'll have this table delivered to you right away." The principal said with love in his voice.
"Thanks Daddy, you're the best." Abigail said.
"You're very welcome, sweetie" The principal said while he gave Abigail a hug. While Abigail was giving her dad a hug she was facing Rosalina (Rosie) and she gave them a mean facing while she was mouthing the word losers.
"Uh, Mr. Tomson, your daughter was calling us losers and making mean faces at us." Rosie said.
"Nonsense, I know you're upset about getting you're table taken away but that doesn't mean you have to make things up. That shows very poor character. I'm really disappointed in you." He said in a disapproving tone.
"I don't want to hear it Rosalina De La Lune. That better be your last word I hear from you today." The principal said with a tone of authority.
"Yes sir." Rosie said very glumly.
The principal now left and Carmella stood up wearing her pale pink dress with the light sprig mint colored trim around the hem. She walked over to Abagail her heels on her boots were clicking.
"Abagail, I'm tired of you always thinking you're going to be popular one day just because you dads the principal! You're mean to everyone and you still expect them to be nice to you." Carmella's voice was slowly getting louder until she was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Well you're never going to be popular so just stop taking other peoples things. That doesn't make you cool. By the way we all know that bag is a fake."
"Well- Abagail started to scream, her voice was a shout as well.
"I don't want to hear you saying how you're daddy's going to give us detention." Carmella screamed.
"Well my dad is going to give you detention, I'm tried of you acting like you're in charge of everyone. You always think you're never going to get in trouble just because everyone loves you. Well I'm here to stop you!" Abagail screamed at the very,very, very top of her lungs.��
Virgina spoke up with the air of someone very proper and formal. "Actually, the truth is that you are being hypocritical about them because you're actually the one whose doing all of those things. Also I very humbly agree about you're bag being a cheap knock off version of a 'Creme Da La Lay' Handbag. That is all I wish to say." Virgina said all in the manner of they were merely discussing the weather.
"And you with all of you're fancy pants talk with 'merely, humbly and hypocritical.' Abigail's best friend, Jamie Rottweiler said with the anger of a tiger having its babies attacked.
"Well, must I say it is much better than being a tattle tale or know as a snitch." Now Jamie always told on people whether they disagreed with her or whether they sat next to her, she was always telling on people. Virginia said with the humbleness of a poet telling its poem.
"Oh, you did not just go there, Virpina Poo Permont." Jamie said with so much anger that it was surprising that she looked like she was about to cry. "Oh Mrs. Lunch lady, they're calling me names like 'Poomie, Joomie'. They made me cry then they laughed about it." Jamie said her lip quivering.
"That is so not true, she's so lying! Marcella said levelheaded. Ask anyone in this room what happened and they'll say Jamie's lying. So I'm 100% certain that Jamie was lying and I wasn't making it up. Mrs. Wilbur.
"Now, sweetie, I believe you and I'm going to give Jamie detention! Now not one peep from you young lady." When Jamie was going to open her mouth to complain.
"Yeah, good job Marcy!" Rosie, Virginia, and Carmella all shouted starting a chant, that everyone in the whole cafeteria shouted expect for Abagail.
"Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-C-Ella! Mar-C-Ella! Mar-C-Ella!" The crowd roared.
Bong, Dong, Bing-a-ling Dong. Went the bell loud and clear over the chanting.
"Um, will Abigail and Rosie and her 3 friends please come down to Mr. Tomson's office at 3:00, right after school ends? Thank you have a great day." Said the voice through the speaker.
"Oooooo, looks like Ms. Goody-Goody's in trouble along with Ms. Smarty Pants, Ms. Prankster, and Ms. Brave." Abagail crowed.
"For you're info- you're probably in trouble too." Marcy said matter-of-factly.
"Yea-wait what? You expect me to believe that the principals daughter is in trouble? Yeah right. I'm probably going to be there to watch you guys get in trouble. Which is fine with me." Abagail declared.
"Now when you put it that way... of course that's what I think: you're also going there to get in trouble!" Carmella said, really loudly.
"Hey, you know what? Rosie said really loudly. I think you're both acting like babies."
Now all that anger from both of those enemy's went into Rosie's brain and was transported into a magical power where she could transport people into other worlds such as Mine Craft. So you harnessed that power and something great happened.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
I, along with almost everyone else that went to Washington, D.C. for Project Cope walked single file into the small room that held the 14 members of the Birmingham Board of Education. We were all there to explain and be recognized for our commitment about Project COPE. We all stood around one side of the room while some hand picked individuals stood at the mic and talked about our project. One of the key points they talked about was the stop motion video, how it impacted people and the impact on one person.
Monday, November 17, 2014
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe they think they can copy us!" Rosalina De La Lune exclaimed.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"Well, well well, look what we have here" Mr. Tomson said with contempt. " Having this kind of nonsense is against school rules and I will have to take this table away from you as well as all of the bling on this table. Do you understand me?" Mr. Tomson now practically yelling.
"Yes Mr. Tomson, we understand." Thè group said in unison as well as being very glum and monotone.
"Ok, sweetie we'll have this table delivered to you right away." The principal said with love in his voice.
"Thanks Daddy, you're the best." Abigail said.
"You're very welcome, sweetie" The principal said while he gave Abigail a hug. While Abigail was giving her dad a hug she was facing Rosalina (Rosie) and she gave them a mean facing while she was mouthing the word losers.
"Uh, Mr. Tomson, your daughter was calling us losers and making mean faces at us." Rosie said.
"Nonsense, I know you're upset about getting you're table taken away but that doesn't mean you have to make things up. That shows very poor character. I'm really disappointed in you." He said in a disapproving tone.
"I don't want to hear it Rosalina De La Lune. That better be your last word I hear from you today." The principal said with a tone of authority.
"Yes sir." Rosie said very glumly.
The principal now left and Carmella stood up wearing her pale pink dress with the light sprig mint colored trim around the hem. She walked over to Abagail her heels on her boots were clicking.
"Abagail, I'm tired of you always thinking you're going to be popular one day just because you dads the principal! You're mean to everyone and you still expect them to be nice to you." Carmella's voice was slowly getting louder until she was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Well you're never going to be popular so just stop taking other peoples things. That doesn't make you cool. By the way we all know that bag is a fake."
"Well- Abagail started to scream, her voice was a shout as well.
"I don't want to hear you saying how you're daddy's going to give us detention." Carmella screamed.
"Well my dad is going to give you detention, I'm tried of you acting like you're in charge of everyone. You always think you're never going to get in trouble just because everyone loves you. Well I'm here to stop you!" Abagail screamed at the very,very, very top of her lungs.��
Virgina spoke up with the air of someone very proper and formal. "Actually, the truth is that you are being hypocritical about them because you're actually the one whose doing all of those things. Also I very humbly agree about you're bag being a cheap knock off version of a 'Creme Da La Lay' Handbag. That is all I wish to say." Virgina said all in the manner of they were merely discussing the weather.
"And you with all of you're fancy pants talk with 'merely, humbly and hypocritical.' Abigail's best friend, Jamie Rottweiler said with the anger of a tiger having its babies attacked.
"Well, must I say it is much better than being a tattle tale or know as a snitch." Now Jamie always told on people whether they disagreed with her or whether they sat next to her, she was always telling on people. Virginia said with the humbleness of a poet telling its poem.
"Oh, you did not just go there, Virpina Poo Permont." Jamie said with so much anger that it was surprising that she looked like she was about to cry. "Oh Mrs. Lunch lady, they're calling me names like 'Poomie, Joomie'. They made me cry then they laughed about it." Jamie said her lip quivering.
"That is so not true, she's so lying! Marcella said levelheaded. Ask anyone in this room what happened and they'll say Jamie's lying. So I'm 100% certain that Jamie was lying and I wasn't making it up. Mrs. Wilbur.
"Now, sweetie, I believe you and I'm going to give Jamie detention! Now not one peep from you young lady." When Jamie was going to open her mouth to complain.
"Yeah, good job Marcy!" Rosie, Virginia, and Carmella all shouted starting a chant, that everyone in the whole cafeteria shouted expect for Abagail.
"Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-Cy! Mar-C-Ella! Mar-C-Ella! Mar-C-Ella!" The crowd roared.
Bong, Dong, Bing-a-ling Dong. Went the bell loud and clear over the chanting.
"Um, will Abigail and Rosie and her 3 friends please come down to Mr. Tomson's office at 3:00, right after school ends? Thank you have a great day." Said the voice through the speaker.
"Oooooo, looks like Ms. Goody-Goody's in trouble along with Ms. Smarty Pants, Ms. Prankster, and Ms. Brave." Abagail crowed.
"For you're info- you're probably in trouble too." Marcy said matter-of-factly.
Published Piece
Crazy Duckling
It was the afternoon on Sunday, July 1st. It was a couple weeks after my 9th birthday. It was a beautiful day to go swimming, sunny and hot. After lunch I begged my dad "Please dad please, can we go to the pool?"
Now we live in a condo so we have a pool 1 minute away if we walked.
"Ok Shin Be, go get ready"
"Yes!!! Thanks dad! By the way could we invite Christina? We live right across from her?" I begged
Christina was a friend of mine just a year older than me. My birthday was on her half birthday and her birthday was on my half birthday.
"Sure, I'll go invite her than I'll come back up to get you." He said half excited and half tired.
"Great thanks" I exclaimed with excitement in my voice.
I was thinking, this is going to be awesome! So we walked to the pool with Christina and we found out that a couple people were already there. I remembering another time I was at the pool, I was 5 and my dad was teaching me how to swim and float on my back. There was just as many people there as there was now.
"Come on, last one in is a rotten egg!" Christina sang while she was running towards the water.
"You're on" I said and not wanting to be the rotten egg I ran and jumped right into the light blue, faint green pool making a huge splash of water land on Christina! The cool water felt refreshing after standing it the blistering hot sun.
"Hey, I'll get you back!" So she jumped into the water splashing me back. With a bi g cannonball.
"Ha, Ha!" I said sarcastically.
So we were laughing and playing but we noticed that my dad disapeared for a while and when he came back he brought a cooler full of snacks.
"Thanks Papa! I was getting really hungry!"
"Thank you Mr. Felsner, I was also hungry!"
Then it happened, right when we sat down to eat it the very far corner with a big cream colored umbrella. The big wicker chairs were also cream colored. The chairs were very big with tall handles and a back that be moved backwards and forwards. Christina and I could fit in one chair together and still have room.
A big duck honked from a little outside of the pool gate. We weren't scared, becuase a duck never came inside of the gate anyways. The brown and green Mallard duck with its little ducklings waddling behind her.
"1,2,3,4,5. 5 baby ducklings!" My dad said in amazement.
"Wow, that a lot of ducklings, you don't think the momma will attack us do you? Christina asked.
"If we don't tease the duck it won't attack us."
In my head I thinking, oh no what if the duck does attack us. I think I'll just throw some bread at it. When at that moment the duck and its ducklings jumped the fence and started honking really loudly. The 5 baby ducklings were learning to swim the first time in this pool. That remembered again when I was learning how to swim and my dad was helping me just like the momma duck was helping the ducklings. Then the mom stopped helping them and started to honk at us getting right up in our face. The he duck was honking at every single person in the pool. Then for one reason or another, the duck started to come after us. At that moment, dad took a huge hunk of bread and cheese and held it right in front of the duck.
"You want the bread?" my dad said. "Then go get it!" He threw the bread so far with a graceful arc, it went over the gate and far, far away. I had a thousand thoughts whirling inside my head. What would happen if my dad didn't throw it far enough or the duck didn't even want it. What if the duck still decided to attack us instead of going after the bread? I was still thinking about those things when I heard a honk. I looked up and saw the ducks waddling away from the pool probably thing about how mean my dad is. I'm so glad that that idea worked because if my dad hadn't thrown that bread than those ducks would've pecked us. So right after the duck left we went back to having our snack. Of ham and a little more bread and cheese that he saved a little of so we could have a sandwich. After that it was getting late so we dropped off Christina at her house then we walked home and the whole time I was thinking about today and how I learned that you shouldn't panic in suatitations. I can't wait until tomorrow.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
My Great Aunt Jean:
Today we were visiting my great aunt Jean that I never met in my whole life. We just pulled up to the parking lot in our red car. We all got out of the car, my mom carrying the box of Dunkin' Doughnuts, and I was carrying my dads IPhone and my ear buds. We walked towards the Senior Center where she lived with her daughter Linda.
"Do you think she'll have a dog? I really love dogs!" I exclaimed with excitement.
"She might have a dog, she is a dog lover. Did you know she used to have a dog named Bobo?"
"Really? I never knew that, well maybe she got another dog." I said hope bubbling in my voice.
We walked into the Senior Center and my mom pulled at the handle. It wouldn't budge.
"Here let me try." I said
So I walked forwards and tugged as hard as I can and it still wouldn't open. The clear glass door with wood painted to look like gold just sat there not budging while I was tugging at the door with all my might.
"Oh wait you have to buzz in with the person you're visiting. OK so 211."
Bzzz went the buzzer.
"Hello? Who is it?" A voice said from the buzzer speaker.
"Hi, Aunt Jean? Its Roger and family." My dad said speaking loud because my aunt Jean is a little hard if hearing.
"Oh hi, its Linda." Came the voice again.
"Great, can you buzz me in?"
"Sure, I'm going to do it right now, oh and Roger. We're on the 2nd floor."
"Ok Linda, thank you."
No response, that must mean they're going to buzz us in right now. I thought to myself. I just remembered what this felt like: meeting my grandfather Liberetorie. It felt the exact same way expect when he opened the door a big black dog that reached up to my waist came running at us and I knelt down and was petting it and letting it lick me all over. The dogs name was Harley and the dog would follow me around everywhere. I was really bummed to find out that Harley died a couple weeks ago.
Today we were visiting my great aunt Jean that I never met in my whole life. We just pulled up to the parking lot in our red car. We all got out of the car, my mom carrying the box of Dunkin' Doughnuts, and I was carrying my dads IPhone and my ear buds. We walked towards the Senior Center where she lived with her daughter Linda.
"Do you think she'll have a dog? I really love dogs!" I exclaimed with excitement.
"She might have a dog, she is a dog lover. Did you know she used to have a dog named Bobo?"
"Really? I never knew that, well maybe she got another dog." I said hope bubbling in my voice.
We walked into the Senior Center and my mom pulled at the handle. It wouldn't budge.
"Here let me try." I said
So I walked forwards and tugged as hard as I can and it still wouldn't open. The clear glass door with wood painted to look like gold just sat there not budging while I was tugging at the door with all my might.
"Oh wait you have to buzz in with the person you're visiting. OK so 211."
Bzzz went the buzzer.
"Hello? Who is it?" A voice said from the buzzer speaker.
"Hi, Aunt Jean? Its Roger and family." My dad said speaking loud because my aunt Jean is a little hard if hearing.
"Oh hi, its Linda." Came the voice again.
"Great, can you buzz me in?"
"Sure, I'm going to do it right now, oh and Roger. We're on the 2nd floor."
"Ok Linda, thank you."
No response, that must mean they're going to buzz us in right now. I thought to myself. I just remembered what this felt like: meeting my grandfather Liberetorie. It felt the exact same way expect when he opened the door a big black dog that reached up to my waist came running at us and I knelt down and was petting it and letting it lick me all over. The dogs name was Harley and the dog would follow me around everywhere. I was really bummed to find out that Harley died a couple weeks ago.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe they think they can copy us!" Rosalina De La Lune exclaimed.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"I know" Echoed Rosalina's 3 sidekicks/ besties: Carmella De Stefano, Marcella La Pynchon and Virginia El Vermont.
Rosalina and her friends were sitting down at their very own personalized lunch table complete with an umbrella and fancy plates and silverware. They even got their own servers.
"They totally copied our idea for the science project and our community project. That's so not fair."
"Do you want me to go over to their table and talk to them?" Carmella yelled in an angry voice. "That was our best project idea.
"Carmella, you know that they would tell on us even if we didn't do anything, its all because her dad is the principal."
In Rosalina's head she was thinking about what her her friends would do if that happend: Carmella: the mischievous one who would pull a prank on them, Marcella: the brainiest one would come up with a brilliant way to tackle that problem, Virginia: the proper one who never gets in trouble would come up with a perfect alibi . Last but not least herself, I see myself as the nice, kind generous, and I will stand up for things I believe in. I'm also loyal honest and a great friend.I would stand up for my friends at all costs. I wonder what everyone else sees me as? That's exactly what I was thinking when our enemy group: The Sparkly Sparkles walked up to us with the principal, who was the leaders dad. The leader of the group is Abigail Tomson and meanest girl in the grade who tries desperately to be popular.
"Well, well well, look what we have here" Mr. Tomson said with contempt. " Having this kind of nonsense is against school rules and I will have to take this table away from you as well as all of the bling on this table. Do you understand me?" Mr. Tomson now practically yelling.
"Yes Mr. Tomson, we understand." Thè group said in unison as well as being very glum and monotone.
"Ok, sweetie we'll have this table delivered to you right away." The principal said with love in his voice.
"Thanks Daddy, you're the best." Abigail said.
"You're very welcome, sweetie" The principal said while he gave Abigail a hug. While Abigail was giving her dad a hug she was facing Rosalina (Rosie) and she gave them a mean facing while she was mouthing the word losers.
"Uh, Mr. Tomson, your daughter was calling us losers and making mean faces at us." Rosie said.
"Nonsense, I know you're upset about getting you're table taken away but that doesn't mean you have to make things up. That shows very poor character. I'm really disappointed in you." He said in a disapproving tone.
"I don't want to hear it Rosalina De La Lune. That better be your last word I hear from you today." The principal said with a tone of authority.
"Yes sir." Rosie said very glumly.
The principal now left and Carmella stood up wearing her pale pink dress with the light sprig mint colored trim around the hem. She walked over to Abagail her heels on her boots were clicking.
"Abagail, I'm tired of you always thinking you're going to be popular one day just because you dads the principal! You're mean to everyone and you still expect them to be nice to you." Carmella's voice was slowly getting louder until she was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Well you're never going to be popular so just stop taking other peoples things. That doesn't make you cool. By the way we all know that bag is a fake."
"Well- Abagail started to scream, her voice was a shout as well.
"I don't want to hear you saying how you're daddy's going to give us detention." Carmella screamed.
"Well my dad is going to give you detention, I'm tried of you acting like you're in charge of everyone. You always think you're never going to get in trouble just because everyone loves you. Well I'm here to stop you!" Abagail screamed at the very,very, very top of her lungs.��
Virgina spoke up with the air of someone very proper and formal. "Actually, the truth is that you are being hypocritical about them because you're actually the one whose doing all of those things. Also I very humbly agree about you're bag being a cheap knock off version of a 'Creme Da La Lay' Handbag. That is all I wish to say." Virgina said all in the manner of they were merely discussing the weather.
"And you with all of you're fancy pants talk with 'merely, humbly and hypocritical.' Abigail's best friend, Jamie Rottweiler said with the anger of a tiger having its babies attacked.
"Well, must I say it is much better than being a tattle tale or know as a snitch." Now Jamie always told on people whether they disagreed with her or whether they sat next to her, she was always telling on people. Virginia said with the humbleness of a poet telling its poem.
"Oh, you did not just go there, Virpina Poo Permont." Jamie said with so much anger that it was surprising that she looked like she was about to cry. "Oh Mrs. Lunch lady, they're calling me names like poomie. They made me cry then they laughed about it." Jamie said her lip quivering.
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