~The Antipode~
Part 1:
The orange, pink and
yellow glow of the sun was rising in the west on the planet Restome. Many
things there are antipode of Earth. The people there know nothing of other
worlds but the life they live. Their civilization is incredibly more advanced
than Earth. For example, they never have any wars and, they can control the
wind and weather with just a push of a button. The weather machine consisted of
steps and things so evolved that the Earthlings have never even dreamed of it.
In Restome there are huge houses and even the 'poor' live in the huge houses.
The poor people in Restome are considered rich on Earth. They also have so many
materials everything is bountiful.
They're rich in water, oil, precious stones and other materials.
Its winter now and very
hot, at the temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. In one neighborhood there is
a small 10 year old girl who is waiting at a public flying train station with
her mom. They're in the rich class and the young girl wears shorts with
sparkling gold, diamonds and emeralds. Her earrings and jewelry are diamonds
and emeralds. She wears a sparkling shirt of emeralds and rich silk and her
flip flops are sliver inlaid with tiny alexandrite chips each weighing less
than 0.1 of an ounce. Her name is Sarani which means joy and she really does
bring joy to her mother. She brings joy because she always gets A's in school,
and always helps her mom when necessary.
Her mother's name is Remeleen, and that means white antelope. Sarani
always writes down that name, always asks why her mom doesn't like the name
Remeleem. Her mother always replies, 'I'm not an antelope, I'm not graceful,
and I don't like people calling me what I'm not, such as 'white antelope'.
Part 2:
Sarani Smith and her
mother were waiting to go visit Sarani's grandmother who is even wealthier than
her mom. She loves seeing her grandmother because she is the only grandparent
she has left. She doesn't even have a dad (if she does she never saw him) so
when people bring it up she feels a pain deep in her like someone stabbed a
knife through her heart, or like a shard of ice that flash freezes when anyone
brings the subject of dads up. Her grandmother always hugs and kisses Sarani
and feels like she has to buy Sarani's affection. She gives her things such as
clothes, jewels and money. Sarani refuses it all. She hates how her grandma
thinks that Sarani is shallow enough to love her just because she gives her
presents. She loves her grandma anyways-without the gifts.
Part 3:
A few blocks down from
Sarani's grandma's house was another 10 year old girl whose name was Rosaline
Appleseed. When she was young she didn't like her name but as she got older,
her love for her name grew. Rosaline lives with her dad and dog named Buddy, in
a gigantic mansion. Rosaline also gets all A's and gets highest marks in
school. She doesn't need to help clean the house because she has machines to do
all the work but always does everything she's told. She loves her dad, whose
name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline's dad got rich for growing apple trees,
that's why his name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline is standing outside waiting
to go visit Johnny's dad. Rosa is wearing an Italian silk blouse with diamonds
and sapphires. She's also wearing a diamond necklace, bracelet and earrings.
Her shorts have sapphires in the hem of the shorts. Her dad is so rich that
they have their very own private flying train.
Part 4:
Rosaline’s grandfather owns 3 dogs so Rosa always bring Buddy
to his house so Buddy can play with the other dogs. Even though Rosa has Buddy
and tons of friends, she always wanted a sibling. A twin to be exact. Rosa also
wants a mom because she wants her dad’s face light up like a light bulb like he
used to in the pictures. Once in a while Rosa’s dad smiles but not often. Now
the train comes, sleek and elegant for such a large thing. The purring of the
train is comforting.
“Let’s go. Do you have your bag?”
“Yes, papa.”
Rosa and her dad always stay for a week or two at her grandfather’s house since he’s lonely and very nice. He always takes the time to ask Rosa how she’s doing at home and in school. She really likes her grandfather but feels a pity that her grandmother died. But it brings Rosa and her grandfather closer together because they both live without someone they both need and want. Rosa’s mother and her grandfather’s wife. But they both deal with it and their dogs help because dogs are very energetic and playful so they help you keep calm and happy.