My parents want me to choose something to do for Labor Day. Well I have it down between 2 things. Either we got up to a waterpark/hotel and on the way home on the 2nd afternoon we stop off at Frankenmuth to eat and go for a boat ride. Or we could go horseback riding. The first time I went horse back riding was when I went to Hayo-Went-Ha. At first I was a little scared but then I had fun riding a horse. I wan to do it again. That's why I want all of my family to go horseback riding. So I have a really hard decision. After the horseback riding for the next day if we do the horseback riding we're going to paint my room! It's really light green. I haven't got my room painted ever. Never, not even when I was a baby it was always white.
Here's a picture of the paint color.
The name of the color is Celery Bunch |
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