Friday, February 27, 2015

Literary Essay Wonder

 “To me, bravery is to stand up for what you
belive in.” (Someone giving a speech) Going to school (School) and making friends (friends) is hard, doing it with a facial
deformity is harder. (One person at school) In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie overcomes the challenge of going to school with a facial deformity. (Someone with a facial deformity) He’s brave just to try to
go to school but getting thorugh a whole is really brave. (Word brave) Some people think
that its easy to make friends but it takes more than going to school to make
friends. (A group of friends) It takes a wonder to that. Most people think that's it's not that
hard, but I think that it takes a lot of bravery. (Someone rushing into a fiery building)  I think in Wonder by R.J Palacio, (book wonder) that Auggie is a wonder for being that brave. (Wonder)  (7)

At  the beginning of the story it gives evidence that Auggie (young boy) is a wonder because Auggie has two friends (2 friends) and that's an accomplishment to makes friends especially with a facial deformity. At the beginning not many people(people) were nice to him (nice) , they gave him mean looks and whispered about him. For example all those people felt 'horrified. Sickened. Scared.' One girl sticks up for him and sits with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls who are bullying him and laughing at him to stop it. Jack also sticks up for him when Julian calls him mean names and bullys him. This shows that
he has really good friends and he really is a wonder for making friends that stick up for you. (7)

His friends stick up for each other, and are really nice to him and treat him like a normal kid. Like Justin "Yo, don't mess with Auggie." He said that becuase some kids were bullying him and he stuck up for him. That's what real friends are even though he's older than Auggie. They all became used to him and became nice to him. Like this girl Maya who used to not talk to him and now is nice to
him. She gave Auggie a keychain that says 'to the nicest Auggie Doll in the world.' So people are being nice to him which shows Auggie is being a wonder because he can have so many people being nice to him. That's accomplishmement even without a different face. Hes also being really brave for stranding up for his friends. (9)

Auggie is a wonder because he can change the way people feel and think about him.
"I am very pleased to award The Henry Ward Beecher medal to the student whose
quiet strength has carried up to the most hearts. So will August
Pullman please come up here to receive this medal?"
 Auggie changed everyones perspective on him and how to judge people. I think it's a great accomplishment for him to get through 5th grade and to have everyone friends with you and nice
to you. That's really brave to even try to go to 5th grade. His mom is really proud of him. 

"Thank you Auggie."

"For what?"

"For everything you've given us," she said. "For coming into our lives. For being you." You really are a wonder, Auggie. You are a wonder."

Auggie is a real wonder becuase he changed the way his parents look at him and he
 changed the way everyone at school thought about him. I think that's a huge accomplishment to change the way even you're parents look at you. Auggies mom
thinks that he's a wonder and so do I for being so brave to get though 5th
grade.  (11)

as I think about it everyone is a wonder no matter who they are.  Some people will feel pity towards Auggie, but
you shouldn’t feel pity towards the person. You shouldn’t feel pity you should instead
think about how brave they are and how you can be you just as brave. You can be
a wonder no matter who you are just by being kind. In my life there are so many
people changing other people’s life and that’s what I think being a wonder is. “Courage
doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid, courage means you don’t let fear stop you.”

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Today I spent nearly 1 hour on my bumper sticker, for just one face. I worked a long time on it, and not just because I was slow. I was doing my best quality and I was carefully picked and colored everything. I think I did pretty good. I don't know what else to write so I'm writing acrostic about school.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Today I received my math test and I was excited, anxious, nervous, worried everything! I hoped to get a good grade but I was worried I failed. Then I remembered that I did the extra credit problem that Mrs. Brown put on our test. 'Oh, I really, really hope I got that extra credit question right!' I thought to myself. The good news is I got 4 points of extra credit and 3 and 1/2 wrong so I got 1/2 a point of extra credit.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Today when we went skiing I was kind of sad because I knew it was our last day skiing. I really like skiing but I'm not the best at it, I'm getting better and my friend Sarah M. was helping me get ready to take my red patch lesson next time I go by myself. At first I was really bad and couldn't get the hang of parallel skiing but after a different approach I did much better. We do have one more day but we're going to Air Time. I'm not sure whether to go or not because I never went on a trampoline in my whole life and I really want to. My dad won't let me go on a trampoline because he thinks I'm going to break my neck.

Monday, February 23, 2015


We are having a debate that pro athletes are getting paid too much compared to firemen and nurses and the U.S sentors. I think they get paid too much becuase the firemen save lives and they rush into burning bulidings. Professional athletes only play games for people's amusment. I think its not fair that some athletes just sit on the bench. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Today I just finished my last Birbery book! I'm so excited because now all I have to do is my test for that book and I have to do 2 book clubs. Then I could be on the committee. The book I just read was the Night Gardener and even though some people say its scary or creepy, in my opinion its just weird but I like the book anyway. I almost always like a book I read.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


This whole week has been really cold and I'm bummed out because I wanted to go skiing but its too cold and too dangerous. Its also too cold to go outside which isn't a good way to spend your mid-winter break. Oh the bright side I have more time to study and do homework! Today I get to go to the... library! I'm so excited because I read all my books at home so I'm really bored. I also did my nails with nail glue the stick on nails, they're denim themed and I really like them. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Yesterday I couldn't upload the picture for the valentine so here it is. Tomorrow I'm going to a meeting with the other people in the jewelry group about GEC and where we should market and our final report. Its about 15 pages long and we have to complete in about 2 weeks.


Monday, February 16, 2015


On Saturday I gave the valentine I made to my dad. He really liked it and said it was really nice. Here is a picture of it below. On a another subject for the Kroger Art Contest I worked hard on writing an essay but I'm not done yet. The good news is that I passed 500 words which is the minimum. I'm writing about how I made history in my community.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Today we went into the health room during lunch to have a type of meeting about everyone who's links with Paige and Olivia. We ate our lunch in there while Megan, and Jordyn practiced their poem. of "Ickle Me Pickle Me Tickle Me Too" We also got 2 doughnuts or cookies. We talked about how sometimes we could go down to the library and read to her. I think Paige is really nice and is never mean to anyone.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Yo-Yo Ma

Today when I was practicing my cello I was choosing a song to play for the talent show. I decided on America the Beautiful and a song called March from Pheasants Cantata. While I was playing America the Beautiful my dad said I was playing it wrong and said I was playing the wrong notes. I responded by saying that that's how the book wrote it and I was playing it how it says in the book. Then I decided to search it up online and I found Yo-Yo Ma playing America the Beautiful. He played it differently than I did because he's way better than I am. He's one of the best cellist in the world. Here is a link to a video of Yo-Yo Ma playing a song.

Ghosts of Tupelo Landing - Essay

Depending on how you look at it,  people can be stubborn, mean or annoying. They could be sad or angry, or just embarrassed. Life requires bravery to stand up to people for what you believe in. So, people think the book is about a stubborn girl who believes in ghosts. They think that the girl is just wanting attention because she wants to impress people. I think The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing is really about standing up for what you believe in. 

Early in the story Mo's mother bought the inn

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Today I'm going skiing again and I hope to get my blue patch. I tried last time to get my patch but I didn't pass. I hope to pass this time. During the bus ride I did my social studies open book test and my quiz in math. Sarah M. helped my with my math. Finally I got my blue patch but the instructor was really nice and gave it to everyone. He even gave it to this guy that fell down at least 11 times during the lesson.

Monday, February 9, 2015

RV and Motor Homes

On Saturday my family and I went to an RV show to look at all the different types of RV's and motor homes. At the beginning I didn't really like most of them since they were so small but a couple of them had 6 beds and 3 bedrooms. My parents said that if we ever bought one I should bring a friend because they said I would get bored quickly. But I really liked all of the motor homes because they were just like our house, and my dad said that if we wanted one he could trade our house on an especially nice motor home. It was really nice but I'd rather live in a house that's not on wheels.

Literary Essay-Ghosts of Tupelo Landing

Some people don't believe in ghosts or think the people who do are crazy. Others think people who are determined are stubborn. I think that it doesn't matter who you are, you can change who you are. After reading the book I realized that it takes bravery to stand up to people. I think Mo is brave because she can stand up to anyone if she believes in something.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Antipode

~The Antipode~

Part 1:
 The orange, pink and yellow glow of the sun was rising in the west on the planet Restome. Many things there are antipode of Earth. The people there know nothing of other worlds but the life they live. Their civilization is incredibly more advanced than Earth. For example, they never have any wars and, they can control the wind and weather with just a push of a button. The weather machine consisted of steps and things so evolved that the Earthlings have never even dreamed of it. In Restome there are huge houses and even the 'poor' live in the huge houses. The poor people in Restome are considered rich on Earth. They also have so many materials everything is bountiful.  They're rich in water, oil, precious stones and other materials.

 Its winter now and very hot, at the temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. In one neighborhood there is a small 10 year old girl who is waiting at a public flying train station with her mom. They're in the rich class and the young girl wears shorts with sparkling gold, diamonds and emeralds. Her earrings and jewelry are diamonds and emeralds. She wears a sparkling shirt of emeralds and rich silk and her flip flops are sliver inlaid with tiny alexandrite chips each weighing less than 0.1 of an ounce. Her name is Sarani which means joy and she really does bring joy to her mother. She brings joy because she always gets A's in school, and always helps her mom when necessary.  Her mother's name is Remeleen, and that means white antelope. Sarani always writes down that name, always asks why her mom doesn't like the name Remeleem. Her mother always replies, 'I'm not an antelope, I'm not graceful, and I don't like people calling me what I'm not, such as 'white antelope'.

 Part 2:

 Sarani Smith and her mother were waiting to go visit Sarani's grandmother who is even wealthier than her mom. She loves seeing her grandmother because she is the only grandparent she has left. She doesn't even have a dad (if she does she never saw him) so when people bring it up she feels a pain deep in her like someone stabbed a knife through her heart, or like a shard of ice that flash freezes when anyone brings the subject of dads up. Her grandmother always hugs and kisses Sarani and feels like she has to buy Sarani's affection. She gives her things such as clothes, jewels and money. Sarani refuses it all. She hates how her grandma thinks that Sarani is shallow enough to love her just because she gives her presents. She loves her grandma anyways-without the gifts.

Part 3:
 A few blocks down from Sarani's grandma's house was another 10 year old girl whose name was Rosaline Appleseed. When she was young she didn't like her name but as she got older, her love for her name grew. Rosaline lives with her dad and dog named Buddy, in a gigantic mansion. Rosaline also gets all A's and gets highest marks in school. She doesn't need to help clean the house because she has machines to do all the work but always does everything she's told. She loves her dad, whose name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline's dad got rich for growing apple trees, that's why his name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline is standing outside waiting to go visit Johnny's dad. Rosa is wearing an Italian silk blouse with diamonds and sapphires. She's also wearing a diamond necklace, bracelet and earrings. Her shorts have sapphires in the hem of the shorts. Her dad is so rich that they have their very own private flying train.

Part 4:

Rosaline’s grandfather owns 3 dogs so Rosa always bring Buddy to his house so Buddy can play with the other dogs. Even though Rosa has Buddy and tons of friends, she always wanted a sibling. A twin to be exact. Rosa also wants a mom because she wants her dad’s face light up like a light bulb like he used to in the pictures. Once in a while Rosa’s dad smiles but not often. Now the train comes, sleek and elegant for such a large thing. The purring of the train is comforting.
“Let’s go. Do you have your bag?”

“Yes, papa.”

Rosa and her dad always stay for a week or two at her grandfather’s house since he’s lonely and very nice. He always takes the time to ask Rosa how she’s doing at home and in school. She really likes her grandfather but feels a pity that her grandmother died. But it brings Rosa and her grandfather closer together because they both live without someone they both need and want. Rosa’s mother and her grandfather’s wife. But they both deal with it and their dogs help because dogs are very energetic and playful so they help you keep calm and happy.

Part 5:

Johnny has always missed his wife Remeleem and his other daughter Sarani. In his gold studded wallet he keeps a picture of when the twins were infants and Johnny and Remeleem we standing side by side. Each of them had a simile big enough to light a stadium. So when Rose walks in the living room and see a picture of 2 baby’s and her dad with his wife. She knew right then that she was in fact a twin and a had mom! This had to be the happiest day of her life.
Part 6:
So now Rosa found out that she had a sister and a mom she was determined to find them. She absently walked into her fathers room deep in thought.
"Oh there you are sweetie. I was looking all over for you. I need to tell you important news."
"Yeah Ok. Wait what?" Rosa said startled, her brain was a million miles away."
"Oh I was going to tell you since its winter and schools out now I was thinking you go to camp."  Said Johnny in a soothing tone.
Now remember that winter there is as warm as summer on Earth. They have school in their summer time which is the opposite of us.
"No, I don't want to go!" Yelled Rosa.
"Well sweetie you don't have any choice I already signed you up. I'm sorry but I said you should go. Plus your si - I meant you're friends are going to go." He said very worried he might get caught.
"You mean sister don't you? I know you do and you didn't even tell me. Uggh! I'm soooo mad at you! She screamed.
Rosa was mad because her dad didn't tell her earlier and that he was keeping a secret from her all these years.
"Well sweetie-"
"Don't 'well sweetie me." Rosa shot back. Rosa stomped out of the room like an army learning to step in unison. Then slammed the door shut with the force of a rocket.
Part 7:
'Oh no, what have I done? asked Johnny to himself. I should've told her before, what can I do to fix this? I ruined everything!' He did the only thing he could think of. He dialed his wife's phone number for the first time is 1 and 1/2 years.
"Beep - bop - beeP - bOp - beep-beep."
"Hello? This is Remeleem Smith, how many I help you?"
"Well this is Johnny Appleseed and I need some advice."
"Johnny!?! Is that you? You promised you'd never call again! I can't believe you, you broke you're promise."
"I'm sorry but Rosa's mad at me because she found out she had a mom and sister. Does Sarani know yet?"
"Well... No. Not yet. She's suspicious though. I have to go or else she'll figure it out. Rosa's still going to camp right?"
"I hope so. I don't know yet."
"Bye." Said Johnny gruffly.
"Bye, I umm, I miss you." Said Remeleem tentively.
"So do I and I'll see you at camp." Said Johnny softer this time.
"You too."
"Bye." Said Johnny, then he hung up.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Wonder Literary Essay

 “To me, bravery is to stand up for what you
belive in.” Going to school and making friends is hard, doing it with a facial
deformity is harder. In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie overcomes the
challenge of going to school with a facial deformity. He’s brave just to try to
go to school but getting thorugh a whole is really brave. Some people think
that its easy to make friends but it takes more than going to school to make
friends. It takes a wonder to that. Most people think that's it's not that
hard, but I think that it takes a lot of bravery. I think in Wonder by R.J
Palacio, that Auggie is a wonder for being that brave.  (7)

At  the beginning of the story it gives evidence that Auggie is a wonder because Auggie has two friends and that's an accomplishment to makes friends especially 
with a facial deformity. At the beginning not many people were nice to him, they gave him mean looks and wispered about him. For example all those people felt 'horrified. Sickened. Scared.' One girl sticks up for him and sits with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls who are bullying him and laughing at him to stop it. Jack also sticks up for him when Julian calls him mean names and bullys him. This shows that
he has really good friends and he really is a wonder for making friends that stick up for you. (7)

His friends stick up for each other, and are really nice to him and treat him like a normal kid. Like Justin "Yo, don't mess with Auggie." He said that becuase some kids were bullying him and he stuck up for him. That's what real friends are even though he's older than Auggie. They all became used to him and became nice to him. Like this girl Maya who used to not talk to him and now is nice to
him. She gave Auggie a keychain that says 'to the nicest Auggie Doll in the 
world.' So people are being nice to him which shows Auggie is being a wonder because he can have so many people being nice to him. That's accomplishmement even without a different face. Hes also being really brave for stranding up for his friends. (9)

Auggie is a wonder because he can change the way people feel and think about him.
"I am very pleased to award The Henry Ward Beecher medal to the student whose
quiet strength has carried up 
to the most hearts. So will August
Pullman please come up here to receive this medal?"

 Auggie changed everyones perspective on him and how to judge people. I think it's a great accomplishment for him to get through 5th grade and to have everyone friends with you and nice
to you. That's really brave to even try to go to 5th grade. His mom is really proud of him. 

"Thank you Auggie."

"For what?"

"For everything you've given us," she said. "For coming into our lives. For being you." You really are a wonder, Auggie. You are a wonder."

Auggie is a real wonder becuase he changed the way his parents look at him and he
 changed the way everyone at school thought about him. I think that's a huge accomplishment to change the way even you're parents look at you. Auggies mom
thinks that he's a wonder and so do I for being so brave to get though 5th

as I think about it everyone is a wonder no matter who they are.  Some people will feel pity towards Auggie, but
you shouldn’t feel pity towards the person. You shouldn’t feel pity you should instead
think about how brave they are and how you can be you just as brave. You can be
a wonder no matter who you are just by being kind. In my life there are so many
people changing other people’s life and that’s what I think being a wonder is. “Courage
doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid, courage means you don’t let fear stop you.”

Thursday, February 5, 2015


~The Antipode~


Part 1:


 The orange, pink and yellow glow of the sun was rising in the west on the planet Restome. Many things there are antipode of Earth. The people there know nothing of other worlds but the life they live. Their civilization is incredibly more advanced than Earth. For example, they never have any wars and, they can control the wind and weather with just a push of a button. The weather machine consisted of steps and things so evolved that the Earthlings have never even dreamed of it. In Restome there are huge houses and even the 'poor' live in the huge houses. The poor people in Restome are considered rich on Earth. They also have so many materials everything is bountiful.  They're rich in water, oil, precious stones and other materials.



 Its winter now and very hot, at the temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. In one neighborhood there is a small 10 year old girl who is waiting at a public flying train station with her mom. They're in the rich class and the young girl wears shorts with sparkling gold, diamonds and emeralds. Her earrings and jewelry are diamonds and emeralds. She wears a sparkling shirt of emeralds and rich silk and her flip flops are sliver inlaid with tiny alexandrite chips each weighing less than 0.1 of an ounce. Her name is Sarani which means joy and she really does bring joy to her mother. She brings joy because she always gets A's in school, and always helps her mom when necessary.  Her mother's name is Remeleen, and that means white antelope. Sarani always writes down that name, always asks why her mom doesn't like the name Remeleem. Her mother always replies, 'I'm not an antelope, I'm not graceful, and I don't like people calling me what I'm not, such as 'white antelope'.



 Part 2:

 Sarani Smith and her mother were waiting to go visit Sarani's grandmother who is even wealthier than her mom. She loves seeing her grandmother because she is the only grandparent she has left. She doesn't even have a dad (if she does she never saw him) so when people bring it up she feels a pain deep in her like someone stabbed a knife through her heart, or like a shard of ice that flash freezes when anyone brings the subject of dads up. Her grandmother always hugs and kisses Sarani and feels like she has to buy Sarani's affection. She gives her things such as clothes, jewels and money. Sarani refuses it all. She hates how her grandma thinks that Sarani is shallow enough to love her just because she gives her presents. She loves her grandma anyways-without the gifts.

Part 3:



 A few blocks down from Sarani's grandma's house was another 10 year old girl whose name was Rosaline Appleseed. When she was young she didn't like her name but as she got older, her love for her name grew. Rosaline lives with her dad and dog named Buddy, in a gigantic mansion. Rosaline also gets all A's and gets highest marks in school. She doesn't need to help clean the house because she has machines to do all the work but always does everything she's told. She loves her dad, whose name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline's dad got rich for growing apple trees, that's why his name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline is standing outside waiting to go visit Johnny's dad. Rosa is wearing an Italian silk blouse with diamonds and sapphires. She's also wearing a diamond necklace, bracelet and earrings. Her shorts have sapphires in the hem of the shorts. Her dad is so rich that they have their very own private flying train.


Part 4:

Rosaline’s grandfather owns 3 dogs so Rosa always bring Buddy to his house so Buddy can play with the other dogs. Even though Rosa has Buddy and tons of friends, she always wanted a sibling. A twin to be exact. Rosa also wants a mom because she wants her dad’s face light up like a light bulb like he used to in the pictures. Once in a while Rosa’s dad smiles but not often. Now the train comes, sleek and elegant for such a large thing. The purring of the train is comforting.

“Let’s go. Do you have your bag?”

“Yes, papa.”

Rosa and her dad always stay for a week or two at her grandfather’s house since he’s lonely and very nice. He always takes the time to ask Rosa how she’s doing at home and in school. She really likes her grandfather but feels a pity that her grandmother died. But it brings Rosa and her grandfather closer together because they both live without someone they both need and want. Rosa’s mother and her grandfather’s wife. But they both deal with it and their dogs help because dogs are very energetic and playful so they help you keep calm and happy.


Part 5:

Johnny has always missed his wife Remeleem and his other daughter Sarani. In his gold studded wallet he keeps a picture of when the twins were infants and Johnny and Remeleem we standing side by side. Each of them had a simile big enough to light a stadium. So when Rose walks in the living room and see a picture of 2 baby’s and her dad with his wife. She knew right then that she was in fact a twin and a had mom! This had to be the happiest day of her life.
Part 6:
So now Rosa found out that she had a sister and a mom she was determined to find them. She absently walked into her fathers room deep in thought.
"Oh there you are sweetie. I was looking all over for you. I need to tell you important news."
"Yeah Ok. Wait what?" Rosa said startled, her brain was a million miles away."
"Oh I was going to tell you since its winter and schools out now I was thinking you go to camp."  Said Johnny in a soothing tone.
Now remember that winter there is as warm as summer on Earth. They have school in their summer time which is the opposite of us.
"No, I don't want to go!" Yelled Rosa.
"Well sweetie you don't have any choice I already signed you up. I'm sorry but I said you should go. Plus your si - I meant you're friends are going to go." He said very worried he might get caught.
"You mean sister don't you? I know you do and you didn't even tell me. Uggh! I'm soooo mad at you! She screamed.
Rosa was mad because her dad didn't tell her earlier and that he was keeping a secret from her all these years.
"Well sweetie-"
"Don't 'well sweetie me." Rosa shot back. Rosa stomped out of the room like an army learning to step in unison. Then slammed the door shut with the force of a rocket.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


We were all sad about the death of Mrs. Fitz who was a teacher at BCS. Mr. Joe says that we should be happy because everyone who dies is in a place without pain and they are separated from their body so they don't feel any pain, only happiness. I felt really sad about my grandfathers death but I think the people closet to whoever died is the most affected. We should all help whoever is grieving or feel really bad and think how it must be to be them. 

Literary Essay Wonder

 “To me, bravery is to stand up for what you
belive in.” Going to school and making friends is hard, doing it with a facial
deformity is harder. In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie overcomes the
challenge of going to school with a facial deformity. He’s brave just to try to
go to school but getting thorugh a whole is really brave. Some people think
that its easy to make friends but it takes more than going to school to make
friends. It takes a wonder to that. Most people think that's it's not that
hard, but I think that it takes a lot of bravery. I think in Wonder by R.J
Palacio, that Auggie is a wonder for being that brave.  (7)

At  the beginning of the story it gives evidence
that Auggie is a wonder because

Auggie has two friends and that's an accomplishment to makes friends especially

with a facial deformity. At the beginning not many people were nice to him, they
gave him mean looks and wispered about him. 
For example all those
people felt 'horrified. Sickened. Scared.' One girl sticks up for him and sits
with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls who are bullying
him and laughing at him to stop it. Jack also sticks up for him when Julian
calls him mean names and bullys him. This shows that he has really good friends
and he really is a wonder for making friends that stick up for you.

friends stick up for each other, and are really nice to him and treat him like

a normal kid. Like Justin "Yo, don't mess with Auggie." He said that becuase
some kids were bullying him and he stuck up for him. That's what real friends
are even though he's older than Auggie. They all became used to him and became
nice to him. Like this girl Maya who used to not talk to him and now is nice to
him. She gave Auggie a keychain that says 'to the nicest Auggie Doll in the
world.' So people are being nice to him which shows Auggie is a wonder becuase
he can have so many people being nice to him. That's accomplishmement even
without a different face. 

is a wonder becuase he can change the way people feel and think about him.

"I am very pleased to award The Henry Ward Beecher medal to the student whose
quiet strength has carried up 
to the most hearts. So will August
Pullman please come up here to receive this medal?" Auggie changed everyones
perspective on him and how to judge people. I think it's a great accomplishment
for him to get through 5th grade and to have everyone friends with you and nice
to you. His mom is really proud of him.

"Thank you Auggie."


everything you've given us," she said. "For coming into our lives.

For being you." You really are a wonder, Auggie. You are a wonder."

is a real wonder becuase he changed the way his parents look at him and he

changed the way everyone at school thought about him. I think that's a huge accomplishment
to change the way even you're parents look at you. Auggies mom

thinks that he's a wonder and so do I for being so brave to get though 5th

as I think about it everyone is a wonder no matter who they are.  Some people will feel pity towards Auggie, but
you shouldn’t feel pity towards the person. You shouldn’t feel pity you should instead
think about how brave they are and how you can be you just as brave. You can be
a wonder no matter who you are just by being kind. In my life there are so many
people changing other people’s life and that’s what I think being a wonder is. “Courage
doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid, courage means you don’t let fear stop you.”

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Antipode



~The Antipode~


Part 1:


 The orange, pink and yellow glow of the sun was rising in the west on the planet Restome. Many things there are antipode of Earth. The people there know nothing of other worlds but the life they live. Their civilization is incredibly more advanced than Earth. For example, they never have any wars and, they can control the wind and weather with just a push of a button. The weather machine consisted of steps and things so evolved that the Earthlings have never even dreamed of it. In Restome there are huge houses and even the 'poor' live in the huge houses. The poor people in Restome are considered rich on Earth. They also have so many materials everything is bountiful.  They're rich in water, oil, precious stones and other materials.



 Its winter now and very hot, at the temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. In one neighborhood there is a small 10 year old girl who is waiting at a public flying train station with her mom. They're in the rich class and the young girl wears shorts with sparkling gold, diamonds and emeralds. Her earrings and jewelry are diamonds and emeralds. She wears a sparkling shirt of emeralds and rich silk and her flip flops are sliver inlaid with tiny alexandrite chips each weighing less than 0.1 of an ounce. Her name is Sarani which means joy and she really does bring joy to her mother. She brings joy because she always gets A's in school, and always helps her mom when necessary.  Her mother's name is Remeleen, and that means white antelope. Sarani always writes down that name, always asks why her mom doesn't like the name Remeleem. Her mother always replies, 'I'm not an antelope, I'm not graceful, and I don't like people calling me what I'm not, such as 'white antelope'.



 Part 2:

 Sarani Smith and her mother were waiting to go visit Sarani's grandmother who is even wealthier than her mom. She loves seeing her grandmother because she is the only grandparent she has left. She doesn't even have a dad (if she does she never saw him) so when people bring it up she feels a pain deep in her like someone stabbed a knife through her heart, or like a shard of ice that flash freezes when anyone brings the subject of dads up. Her grandmother always hugs and kisses Sarani and feels like she has to buy Sarani's affection. She gives her things such as clothes, jewels and money. Sarani refuses it all. She hates how her grandma thinks that Sarani is shallow enough to love her just because she gives her presents. She loves her grandma anyways-without the gifts.

Part 3:



 A few blocks down from Sarani's grandma's house was another 10 year old girl whose name was Rosaline Appleseed. When she was young she didn't like her name but as she got older, her love for her name grew. Rosaline lives with her dad and dog named Buddy, in a gigantic mansion. Rosaline also gets all A's and gets highest marks in school. She doesn't need to help clean the house because she has machines to do all the work but always does everything she's told. She loves her dad, whose name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline's dad got rich for growing apple trees, that's why his name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline is standing outside waiting to go visit Johnny's dad. Rosa is wearing an Italian silk blouse with diamonds and sapphires. She's also wearing a diamond necklace, bracelet and earrings. Her shorts have sapphires in the hem of the shorts. Her dad is so rich that they have their very own private flying train.


Part 4:

Rosaline’s grandfather owns 3 dogs so Rosa always bring Buddy to his house so Buddy can play with the other dogs. Even though Rosa has Buddy and tons of friends, she always wanted a sibling. A twin to be exact. Rosa also wants a mom because she wants her dad’s face light up like a light bulb like he used to in the pictures. Once in a while Rosa’s dad smiles but not often. Now the train comes, sleek and elegant for such a large thing. The purring of the train is comforting.

“Let’s go. Do you have your bag?”

“Yes, papa.”

Rosa and her dad always stay for a week or two at her grandfather’s house since he’s lonely and very nice. He always takes the time to ask Rosa how she’s doing at home and in school. She really likes her grandfather but feels a pity that her grandmother died. But it brings Rosa and her grandfather closer together because they both live without someone they both need and want. Rosa’s mother and her grandfather’s wife. But they both deal with it and their dogs help because dogs are very energetic and playful so they help you keep calm and happy.


Part 5:

Johnny has always missed his wife Remeleem and his other daughter Sarani. In his gold studded wallet he keeps a picture of when the twins were infants and Johnny and Remeleem we standing side by side. Each of them had a simile big enough to light a stadium. So when Rose walks in the living room and see a picture of 2 baby’s and her dad with his wife. She knew right then that she was in fact a twin and a mom! This had to be the happiest day of her life.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Mrs. Fitz

Mrs. Fitz


On Saturday my dad and I found out in an email that Mrs. Fitz died after 2 years of fighting cancer. I feel bad for her but now she doesn’t feel any pain. But I also feel bad for her husband and her 2 kids because now they don’t have a wife and a mom. We raised $13,000 for them before but now we’re planning to do another fundraiser for Mrs. Fitz and her family. Even though lots of people die from cancer around the world this one impacts our school because Mrs. Fitz was our teacher. Even though some of us knew her better than others, the entire school feels sad and misses Mrs. Fitz.

Rest in peace Mrs. Fitz