Friday, June 27, 2014


I'm really busy today because I have to finish putting everything in my suitcase for camp. I can't do it tomorrow even though I'm leaving tomorrow because I have to leave with my dad at 3:00 in the morning! Even though I can fit in my suitcase I don't think its big enough. We have to go to bed at 8:00 for my dad because he's driving and 9:00 for me because I can sleep in the car. I can't wait because I pretty sure this will be sooooooo much fun!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Today is a little crazy because we have to buy last minute things for camp and write my name on everything. Then we have to go to a bunch of different stores to buy things. Then my dad has to leave his work early to go somewhere important. Then we need to come home and work in the garden. We don't have much time to play around.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dark chocolate vs Milk chocolate

What type of chocolate do you think tastes better? I'll give you some good facts about both. Milk chocolate has a creamy taste, that makes you full very quickly. Its not that healthy for you. Dark chocolate is very healthy for you. It leaves a bad aftertaste and is a little bitter at first. In my opinion I think milk chocolate tastes better.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

AHW - Getting Packed

So today my family and I are getting ready and packing everything I need to go to camp. I'm leaving on Saturday, at 3:00 in the morning. My dad found a huge suitcase. Even I can fit in it. I have to pack my clothes for 2 weeks, (It’s an overnight camp) a backpack for the Sleeping Bear Dunes with my sleeping bag, flashlight, a mess kit and much more. I also need sheets, pillows, and toiletries. I'm getting really excited and it’s not like I won't know anyone because I'm going to this camp with Ania. We still don't have everything packed because my mom has to write my name on everything.

Monday, June 23, 2014

AHW - Water Park

Yesterday was my birthday and I went to the waterpark up north. The waterpark is big roomy and warm. near the door is the swimming pool, with these floating pads with some heavy rope above it, and you have to get to the other side without falling off. Then there is a little kids playground set, except with water falling all over the floor and buckets tipping over with water; drenching the people below. Then here in one corner of the waterpark is the huge 4 story waterslide. Its sunshine yellow and there are 2 ways to do it. One way is to use the big, clear plastic tube that you sit on and it goes down. Or you can go with no tube, except you can't see and you'll choke on water. But I went on the tube slide. When you first go on  its dark with it going pretty slow. Then it goes almost straight down going so fast. Then there's a big bump water comes down from the top and you enter into a big, bright circular kind of space. The water still comes from the top of the slide and it goes slower. Then depending on what direction the tube is facing it will go through another slide and you might go backwards. Then after a couple seconds you rocket into the lazy river. In the lazy river there are certain places where the current is stronger that other places. After the water park we went to go eat at Frankenmuth, and the food was great!

Friday, June 20, 2014

AHW - Plumber

Today was a very boring day for me. All I did today was go to our condo and wait for this plumber. When he arrived my mom thought his name was Tom because my dad told her so. But when she said "are you Tom the plumber?" he replied by saying, "No my name is Sean" so that was pretty funny. Then my mom called Christina's mom phone and asked whether Christina could come over here or whether I could go over there. She said I could go over there. So I went over and played until my mom was ready to go. I had a lot of fun with Christina. Who said to me "Happy early birthday, again" because she said the same thing yesterday.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Today I actually saw Christina and her mom, they kindly invited my mom and I to come in and talk with them. Christina's cousin was also there as well as Christina's aunt and her grandmother. Her mom almost forced us to take a cup of orange juice. It tasted a little sweeter than the orange juice I have at home, but it tasted great. So Christina and I were just sitting there until finally we got up and started to play. We played for almost 3 hours. her cousin kept butting in (She was only 4) and she was really bossy. But I guess all 4 year olds were like that.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I'm getting really excited for my birthday. First we're going to go to a water park for the whole day. I'm going to go on this 5 floor water slide. It's super fun. The outside is bright yellow with sky blue streaks in it. The inside is wide, hollow and full of rushing cool water. They also have a lazy river. There are a couple other things you can do including standing beneath this huge yellow bucket and slowly it fills with ice cold water. Then when it reaches the thick black line it tips over drenching the person with water. Then after the water park we're all going to eat at Frankenmuth.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Today is going to be a pretty busy day because my mom and I will have to clean our condo before we can sell it because we're not going to move back in. We're not going to move back in is because I like this school district a lot. I hope to see my friend Christina there. (She was one of my best friends when I lived there)

Monday, June 16, 2014

AHW Emily and Sally

I'm continuing on this story from a long time ago.

"Thank You" I replied. "Your very welcome" Said the very old lady that lived across the street. She just gave 2, not 1 but 2 king sized candy bars! "Score!" I exclaimed to my friend Sally as we walked down the sidewalk. "Whoa, Emily nice going!" Sally said. "Watch out for the headless ghost" I cautioned to Sally." "What headless ghost?" She stammered. "Oh didn't you know? Okay, I'll tell you the story myself." Then Emily snapped her fingers and she began. Once upon a time there was a very nice young man-" "What is it?" I asked Sally. "Can't we at least sit down?" she asked. "Fine." Emily sighed and she waved her hand and 2 comfy chairs appeared. "So, there was a very nice young man but he had a short temper. One day his one and only love showed up and stated teasing him with hurtful words. Then she began to throw things at him like a knife and a table. He told her to stop but she kept doing it. He got so mad he took the knife and stabbed her with it. Seeing what he done he took the knife her stabbed her with he tried to stab himself with it. But then he heard a voice telling him "Don't do it, take your revenge on other girls like her, don't kill yourself." "Okay, great idea!" Now, every year he finds a blonde haired girl who doesn't believe the story and kills her. Then he eats her flesh!" "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Screamed Sally looking at her amazingly curly blonde hair. "Ha, Ha, Ha." laughed Emily. "What's so funny?" asked Sally. "Didn't you know?" "Know what?" Sally curiously. "I just made up the whole story!" "Yeah right, now if you don't mind I'm going to hide at my house!" "OK, have fun!" laughed Emily. Now I know what your thinking. That Emily is super duper mean to trick her friend like that, but that wasn't Emily! That was the boy who want's his revenge whose name is Bob, dressed up as Emily. He purposely hurt Emily so that he could take her place. But Sally and the real Emily also have magic powers like Bob has. Now read ahead to see what happens. Now Sally screamed all the way home and when she got there she saw Emily, mind you the real one. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! she yelled at the top of her lungs." "What?" Emily asked. "This happened and she told her the whole story. "Whoa, that's just freaky." "I promise I was here he whole time." "Good" replied Sally. "Now let's come up with a plan to stop Bob once and for all!" Emily and Sally yelled together. They put their heads together and quickly came up with a plan. "Wait, I read in a magic book that if you have one set of best friends, check, one or two diamond or gold coasters, check, then you either break them into two pieces, mind you jadedly, or keep them whole. When you break them into two pieces each one of us will have a piece. Then we'll keep them until the time comes and we'll put them together and we'll have more power than you can imagine." Emily said in hushed tones. "Cool, let's do it." shouted Sally. "OK, but first the book says to rub cherry red lip gloss with flecks of gold on our hands, they said it would protect us from the harmful rays." Said Emily hurriedly. They quickly broke the pieces so they fit like a puzzle. Sally tried to put them together but it didn't work. "See I told you this is a terrible idea." Growled Sally. "That's because it only works when you absolutely need it and both of the friends have to be holding a piece." Said Emily in a soothing tone. "Let's bring grandma's book of spells!" Exclaimed Sally. "Great idea." said Sally. They hunted through the book of spells to find any useful spells. We found in the book that because Bob turned so evil, holy water will burn Bob badly. "Great, all we have to do is go to a church where they'll be sure to give you 2 gallons of holy water for free." said Sally, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Why not sneak into the church and take all the holy water they have?" asked Emily, with the voice she always had when her plan worked and other people's plan backfired. "First we have to keep the stone pieces safe so lets each keep one half of it." said Sally in a 'matter of fact' voice. "Ok, but lets wrap it in gold tissue paper." said Emily her voice covered in fake, sugary happiness. "We're not rich here." Growled Sally. "Oops." murmured Emily. They then got there magic wands ready then apparated (that means traveled somewhere in a blink of an eye) to Jack's house. "Hey, Bob come out here so we can give you a piece of our minds or are you too scared?" "Well, come out here or are you a chicken?" "Baaaaaak, Baaaaaaaaak!" taunted Emily. "SHH, Bob might hear you." whispered Sally. "Oh, but she doesn't need to." Just then there was blinding flash of light then the fearsome Jack appeared. "Don't worry, I think I eat both of you." snarled Bob. "Now!" screamed Emily.  Then at the same time they pulled out their pieces of diamond coasters and put them together while they waited for something to happen. At the same time a small golden retriever scampered up to them. "Hello, I see you want to destroy Bob." said the golden retriever whose name was Charlotte. "Where are you and who are you?" asked Sally in a frightened voice. "Don't worry." said Charlotte, "I'm right here." and she told them all about the evil Bob and how she got turned into a dog. "The only way you can make that coaster work is with my help." said Charlotte.  "Please, please, help us!" cried Sally. "OK, ok. First thing you need to do is lure Bob into a place of happiness and kindness." said Charlotte. "Charlotte, please just tell us the answers." moaned Sally getting freaked out. "Oh, call me Lotte, and sorry but you guys have to figure it out yourselves. yipped Lotte. "Wait, I know, its a church!" exclaimed Emily. "Good Job." squeaked Lotte. Now Emily, Sally, and Lotte came up with a plan. Sally moved out into the open where Bob could see her and she screamed, "Hey, Bob if you want to eat me than you have to catch me!" she quickly apparated with Emily and Lotte to the nearest church. "Ha, ha, you think you're faster than me?" sneered Bob. "Maybe I do." said Sally in a brave voice. She stepped into the church and Bob stepped in too. Emily and Lotte quickly stepped in and closed the door behind them. "Do you know where you are?" Emily asked a fake scared voice. "Oops, I guess we're in a church." said Sally. "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it can't be!" sobbed Bob. Then Emily and Sally each pulled out their coaster and put it together and pointed it at Bob when Lotte said "Wait, when I said you need my help you do. Point it at me first, I was a talented sorceress myself. I'll lend you some of my magic to help." "OK." agreed Emily. Together they pointed it at Lotte. There was a blinding flash of light, then a beautiful girl appeared out of the bluish mist. "You're L-L-Lotte?" stuttered Sally. "Yes I am, and now I will help you like you helped me." Lotte said in a musical voice.  "So what do we do now?" asked Emily in a inpatient voice. "Now I will put my hand on the middle and seal it with a touch of the friendship you guys have so much of." sung Lotte. "Sure, but hurry up." said a frightened Sally. Then Lotte, Emily and Sally put their hands on the coaster and pointed it at Bob. "Be gone, and never return!" shouted Lotte. "Why did you help us so much, I mean I'm grateful and all but why?" asked Emily. "Because I was the girl that Bob loved, when he threw the knife I had no choice but to change into a dog." Lotte said close to tears. "I'm sorry." said Emily and Sally. "N-N-Now I h-have n-n-no place to g-g-go." sobbed Lotte. "Well you could stay at our house." said Emily quietly. "Oh, you would do that for me?" asked Lotte. "Wait." said a deep voice that came from Bob. "I could let her live with me you know, for a second chance." "OH, I'd love to!" exclaimed Lotte. "You know Lotte, I really am sorry for what happened." said Bob. "That's story of me and Sally on Halloween." Emily told her 2 kids 20 years later. "Tell it again mommy, tell it again!" exclaimed Bob Jr. "Okay but only one more time." Emily said. "Okay!" shouted Bob and Sally Jr. And Emily started in on the story once again. "There was 2 girls who found a golden retriever whose name was Lotte and together they defeated Bob. Then Lotte and Bob forgive each other. The End." "No! You have to tell it like you did before." shouted Bob and Sally Jr. "Sorry kiddos you'll have to wait for tomorrow." said Emily. "Good Night, Sweet Dreams." Emily said gently. "Night mommy." Sally and Bob said in unison. Now this was the 20th time that week that they wanted to hear that story and Emily didn't know that her kids were magicians like she was. She didn't want them to be magicians because then they would be hunted until they got caught. Then they got caught then they would be experimented until they died. But they were practicing with their grown up neighbor Sam on their left. Lotte and Bob (who got married) lived on the right of them. Sally and Joe who are also married lived on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th floors of Emily's house. Now the kids didn't know this but everyone on the left of Emily's house is bad and everyone on the right of Emily's house is good.

Friday, June 13, 2014


For me when the bell rang to get out of school it didn't fell like the last day of school. It only felt like a normal day of school. But what was different from normal was that everyone in the hall was screaming and yelling and trampling their homework and things like that. My friend Ania game me a hug, or as close as a hug as she could handle. (She doesn't like people germs) Me and Mia hugged goodbye. Then I went out to my bus. Something that was different was that all the teachers were waving when we drove away in the school bus. Also I can't wait for 15 days to pass! I'm excited because I'm going to camp with Ania up north at an over night camp.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Today I went on the End of Year Party for the 5/6 classes. First we went to Skate World and I got inline skates. We were there for 2 hours and I skated for 1 hour 30 minutes and I ate a snack and took a break for 30 minutes. I got a soft pretzel with cheese and a red slushy. Then we went bowling, and I got a size 4. Then because I was thirsty I got a Crush Soda for $2.00. Then I started bowling. I got a strike! Then at about 1:30 or 2:00 we had pizza with one 1 small cup of Sprite. I played a couple games and got some prizes. Then my mom drove me and 2 of my friends back to school. So that was my day.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I'm just going to tell you about Wacky Recess (Field Day). So we started at this station where you have to get across the road to a sidewalk without stepping on the ground. Now you probably think that that's impossible, but we had a couple things to use, some pads to step on, a mini scooter, and a jump rope. So what we did was that the first person would throw the pads and step on them, then everyone would just follow. But then near the end you tie the jump rope to the scooter and while you go across the pads you pull them with you. The very last person would jump on one pad and pick up the one behind it. The second station was where we throwed a tennis ball and this button and if you hit it the person inside the dunk tank falls into the water. The third station was where there was shaving cream and water inside a clean, empty trash can. After three shots the person that was throwing has to go behind the trash can. The fourth station my class went to was where we had to throw a Frisbee into a hula hoop. Expect if you didn't make it, the person behind you would have to run where it was and try to make it in.

I have to go so I'll finish this tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I have nothing to write about so I'm just going to tell you my homework.

Study for test - Done
Read - Done
AHW - Doing it right now
Bring in bathing suit 
Wear Joberts class T- Shirt
Bring in a change of clothes

So I did all of my homework expect for this. Bye

Monday, June 9, 2014


Why I'm both sad and happy that school is almost over. I'm sad because I love school!!! School is sooooooo fun and you gets to learn things. One of my favorite classes is math. I love math because it's like my favorite subject. I just like adding things and solving very, very hard problems. I'm happy because 6 days after my birthday. (June 22) I'm going to camp with Ania.

Literary Essay

Do you know a stalker?  In the story Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, Victor is a stalker.

 He smiled back and said, "Yeah, that's me." His brown face blushed. Why hadn't he siad, "Hi, Teresa," or "How was your summer?" or something nice? Victor wasn't giving her any privacy which is what stalkers do. Then he tried to catch up to her when she when out of the door. Then when she says "Hi, Victor." He says something and pretends that he didn't hear anything she said, even though he heard everything. Victor is a stalker becuase he stays behind at homeroom to spy on Teresa. That's kind of a stalker because he's pretending not to watch everything thing she does. But he is, and during homeroom the teacher was saying something and he was just thinking about Teresa. Then when she talked to the teacher after class, he was listening to everything she said. This is bad because Teresa might know that Victor was spying on her and be creeped out.
Another reason why he's a stalker is becuase during lunch he just looking for Teresa. The he pretends to study while he's outside, but he's just looking over his book for her. Then when he does find Teresa, he quickly moves to a table close to her. He's just trying to listen to what they're saying and he's daydreaming about her. Then when the bell rings he catchs Teresa's eye and she smiles at him. This is good and bad at the same time because she smiled at him but she might've seem him spying on her. But its mostly good because she was being nice to him by smiling nicely.

Besides, Teresa a girl he liked since catechism classes at Saint Theresa's, was taking French too. He must've barley known her, but he already likes her, so I think he spy's on her. Also he already knows that he likes her then he must've stalker her a lot. Because how would've you know you liked someone if you don't know them. So he must've stalked her a lot. This is bad because not a lot of people like stalkers. What I think about it is that if I was him I would just talk to Teresa. I think stalking him isn't going to work or she's going to find out sometime.

I think he stalks Teresa becuase he wants to know what she likes. He might want to pretend to get close to her or find out what she likes. 

In the story Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, Victor spy's on Teresa, which is the same as being a stalker. Victor thinks that if he stalks Teresa, he'll find out whether she likes him or not. Also what Teresa likes. I think stalkers just want attention or they want to find out more about a person.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

AHW (Literary Essay)

Do you know a stalker?  In the story Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, Victor is a stalker.

 He smiled back and said, "Yeah, that's me." His brown face blushed. Why hadn't he siad, "Hi, Teresa," or "How was your summer?" or something nice? Victor wasn't giving her any privacy which is what stalkers do. Then he tried to catch up to her when she when out of the door. Then when she says "Hi, Victor." He says something and pretends that he didn't hear anything she said, even though he heard everything. Victor is a stalker becuase he stays behind at homeroom to spy on Teresa. That's kind of a stalker because he's pretending not to watch everything thing she does. But he is, and during homeroom the teacher was saying something and he was just thinking about Teresa. Then when she talked to the teacher after class, he was listening to everything she said. This is bad because Teresa might know that Victor was spying on her and be creeped out.
Another reason why he's a stalker is becuase during lunch he just looking for Teresa. The he pretends to study while he's outside, but he's just looking over his book for her. Then when he does find Teresa, he quickly moves to a table close to her. He's just trying to listen to what they're saying and he's daydreaming about her. Then when the bell rings he catchs Teresa's eye and she smiles at him. This is good and bad at the same time because she smiled at him but she might've seem him spying on her. But its mostly good because she was being nice to him by smiling nicely.

Besides, Teresa a girl he liked since catechism classes at Saint Theresa's, was taking French too. He must've barley known her, but he already likes her, so I think he spy's on her. Also he already knows that he likes her then he must've stalker her a lot. Because how would've you know you liked someone if you don't know them. So he must've stalked her a lot. This is bad because not a lot of people like stalkers. What I think about it is that if I was him I would just talk to Teresa. I think stalking him isn't going to work or she's going to find out sometime.

I think he stalks Teresa becuase he wants to know what she likes. He might want to pretend to get close to her or find out what she likes. 

In the story Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, Victor spy's on Teresa. Victor thinks that if he stalks Teresa, he'll find out whether she likes him or not. Also what Teresa likes. I think stalkers just want attention or they want to find out more about a person.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


I'm really excited for Saturday because I'm having a sleepover for my birthday party even though my birthday party is on the 22nd of June. I'm bringing in cupcakes on Friday. AT my sleepover I'm going to have a singing contest. I have an partner and we're singing "No Ordinary Girl"! We're sooooooo good at it. We're going to beat everyone else.  We might also sing "Let It Go." But only because its annoying.

Literary Essay

Do you know a stalker?  In the story Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, Victor is a stalker.

 He smiled back and said, "Yeah, that's me." His brown face blushed. Why hadn't he siad, "Hi, Teresa," or "How was your summer?" or something nice? Victor is a stalker becuase he stays behind at homeroom to spy on Teresa. That's kind of stalker because he's pretending not to watch everything thing she does. But he is, and during homeroom the teacher was saying something and he was just thinking about Teresa. Then when she talked to the teacher after class, he was listening to everything she siad. Victor wasn't giving her any privacy which is what stalkers do. Then he tried to catch up to her when she when out of the door. Then when she says "Hi, Victor." He says something and pretends that he didn't hear anything she said, even though he hear everything.

Another reason why he's a stalker is becuase during lunch he just looking for Teresa. The he pretends to study while he's outside, but he's just looking over his book for her. Then when he does find Teresa, he quickly moves to a table close to her. He's just trying to listen to what they're saying and he's daydreaming about her. Then when the bell rings he catchs Teresa's eye.

Besides, Teresa a girl he liked since catechism classes at Saint Theresa's, was taking French too. He must've barley known her, but he already likes her, so I think he spy's on her. Also he already knows that he likes her then he must've stalker her a lot. Because how would've you know you liked someone if you don't know them. So he must've stalked her a lot. 

I think he stalks Teresa becuase he wants to know what she likes. He might want to pretend to get close to her or find out what she likes. 

In the story Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, Victor spy's on Teresa. Victor thinks that if he stalks Teresa, he'll find out whether she likes mphimor not. Also what Teresa likes.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Right now I'm on my bus and I'm bored, really really bored. Someone on the is trying to do their social studies homework. I don't think he likes doing it. The person is on unit 15. My class is only on unit 13. Now one of my other friends is talking about allergies. I'm allergic to pollen, weeds, and certain types of trees. Now my friend is talking in a weird voice, that she says is addicting. Oh, my five minutes are up and I have to get off the bus, bye.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bowling Part 5 (AHW)

I'm going to talk about bowling yesterday even though I'm a little late. So Ania, and Mia both came to my choice hour about 10 minutes before the bell rang. So we just talked. Then as soon as the bell rang we all went outside to my mom's car when she was going to drive us to Thunderbird Lanes. (the place where we were going to bowl) When we were about to leave we saw Mr. Joe going out to his car so we rolled down the window and we yelled out "Hi, Mr. Joseph!" So he came over to our car and said he would meet us there. In the car we turned on some music from Mia's IPad and Mia and I started to sing. Now let me tell you something about our singing. We were awesome!!! Even though Ania says it C+ I think its an A++. Then when we got there we went over to where Mr. Joe and Mrs. Roberts were and we all said hi. Then we got our bowling shoes and Ania said she needed a 8 and when she got one she said "Oh, I mean I need a 6" But when she got a 6 it was too small so she actually needed a 8 after all. Mia and I both got size 4's and we had to get Velcro on ours instead of laces! After that Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Joseph told us that they ordered 2 cheese pizza's and 2 pitchers of our choice of drink. So went over and we wanted Orange soda and Root Beer. Then we got the game started. Jack went first then I went then Mia and Ania. Finally Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Joseph went. I was really behind in that game, and after about 3 frames we got bored and we started to dance ballet and copy other bowlers. Then they'd look at us weird and we'd start to laugh. Then because we were bad luck, anytime it was one of our turns we wouldn't do it so we wouldn't get bad luck. Then after a little while the pizza and pop came and we sat down to eat. When we were about done we started playing 'ring around the rosys' Sorry if I misspelled it. We were also playing 'follow the leader.' First they followed me and I made them do ballet twirls and jumps, then it was Ania's turn and she made us  do all sorts of stuff.  Finally it was Mia's turn and she made us to squats and she even made up a dance with a move called 'The Shovel'. It was my turn to go bowling when Mia started the squats and they were so weird, I couldn't concentrate. So I knocked down one pin, but I had the bumpers on so I had to get at least one. During that game I was in last place. Then we started another game, and during that game Ania, Mia and I swapped bowling balls. We actually did a whole lot better with each other's bowling balls. Then Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Roberts had to leave so we each took over one of their turns and because Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Joseph didn't have bumpers we did terrible! I mean so bad we didn't even go up one point for 3 or 4 frames. Then we started playing "Page!" It was where the person whose turn it was would yell out "Page!" Then the one who chose to be the maid would yell out "Page!" Then finally that person would yell "Page!- oh, darn-it!" Then they would get the bowling ball and then the other page would take it and give it to the bowler and pretend they did it. Then when they did get the bowling ball they were supposed to complain and moan and groan. Then finally the game was over and so we took off our bowling shoes and left them on the counter then we went out to my car. Then we went on Mia's and my IPad, on Mia's IPad we listened to music and we put on "Let It Go" and Ania was so annoyed and she said she hated that song. Then on my IPad we played "High School Story." (That game is awesome!!)


To be coninuted

Monday, June 2, 2014

Blowing Party Part 4 (AHW)

I'm going to talk about bowling yesterday even though I'm a little late. So Ania, and Mia both came to my choice hour about 10 minutes before the bell rang. So we just talked. Then as soon as the bell rang we all went outside to my mom's car when she was going to drive us to Thunderbird Lanes. (the place where we were going to bowl) When we were about to leave we saw Mr. Joe going out to his car so we rolled down the window and we yelled out "Hi, Mr. Joseph!" So he came over to our car and said he would meet us there. In the car we turned on some music from Mia's IPad and Mia and I started to sing. Now let me tell you something about our singing. We were awesome!!! Even though Ania says it C+ I think its an A++. Then when we got there we went over to where Mr. Joe and Mrs. Roberts were and we all said hi. Then we got our bowling shoes and Ania said she needed a 8 and when she got one she said "Oh, I mean I need a 6" But when she got a 6 it was too small so she actually needed a 8 after all. Mia and I both got size 4's and we had to get Velcro on ours instead of laces! After that Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Joseph told us that they ordered 2 cheese pizza's and 2 pitchers of our choice of drink. So went over and we wanted Orange soda and Root Beer. Then we got the game started. Jack went first then I went then Mia and Ania. Finally Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Joseph went. I was really behind in that game, and after about 3 frames we got bored and we started to dance ballet and copy other bowlers. Then they'd look at us weird and we'd start to laugh. Then because we were bad luck, anytime it was one of our turns we wouldn't do it so we wouldn't get bad luck. Then after a little while the pizza and pop came and we sat down to eat. When we were about done we started playing 'ring around the rosys' Sorry if I misspelled it. We were also playing 'follow the leader.' First they followed me and I made them do ballet twirls and jumps, then it was Ania's turn and she made us  do all sorts of stuff.  Finally it was Mia's turn and she made us to squats and she even made up a dance with a move called 'The Shovel'. It was my turn to go bowling when Mia started the squats and they were so weird, I couldn't concentrate. So I knocked down one pin, but I had the bumpers on so I had to get at least one. During that game I was in last place. Then we started another game, and during that game Ania, Mia and I swapped bowling balls. We actually did a whole lot better with each other's bowling balls. Then Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Roberts had to leave so we each took over one of their turns and because Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Joseph didn't have bumpers we did terrible! I mean so bad we didn't even go up one point for 3 or 4 farmes. Then we started playing "Page!" It was where the person whose turn it was would yell out "Page!" Then the one who chose to be the maid would yell out "Page!" Then finally that person would yell "Page!- oh, darn-it!" Then they would get the bowling ball and then the other page would take it and give it to the bowler and pretend they did it. Then when they did get the bowling ball they were sopsped to complain and moan and groan.

To be continued.

Journal Prompt

I am alike with the main character, Isabel becuase I will help my friends even if we get in a fight. I am also alike because I also would be really mad if they took my sister away from me and they didn't even tell me. I would also be really shocked and suprised if people were already going to sell be be I just now found out. I am also not someone who likes to see war and blood.