Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Here is my writing for Wednesday.

1. What is black and white and red all over?
1. A newspaper.
2. What goes up but never comes down?
2. Your age.
3. What goes up and down but never moves?
3. A road.
4. What did the math book say to the pencil?
4. "I got a lot of problems."
5. What did the page say to the book?
5. "Don't leave me!"
6. What is black and white and blue all over?
6. A frozen penguin.

7. What kind of bear has no teeth?  
7. A gummy bear!
8. When does it rain money?
8. When there is change in the weather.
9. Why didn't the teddy bear finish his supper?
9. Because he was already stuffed.
10. What do you call a cow with no legs?
10. Ground beef.
11. How do you fix a broken jack o'lantern?
11. You use a pumpkin patch.
12. How do you get a peanut to laugh?
12. You crack it up.
13. What's brown and sticky?
13. A stick.
14. What stays in a corner but goes all around the world?
14. A stamp.

15. What's a vampire's favorite sport?
15. Batminton!

16. Where did the witch get her furniture?
16. From the ideal gnome exhibition!
17. Why didn't the skeleton go to the party?
17. He had no body to go with!
18. Why did the king go to the dentist?
18. To get his teeth crowned!
19. "Tell me" said the tourist to the local yokel. "Will this path take me to the main road?"
19. "No sir!", replied the man. "You'll have to go by yourself!" 

20. Why are you covered in bruises?
20. I started to walk through a revolving door and I changed my mind!
21. How do you prevent a Summer cold?
21. Catch it in the Winter!
22. What runs but never walks?
22. Water.
23. What creature goes on 4 feet in the morning, 2 feet at noon, and 3 feet in the evening?
23. Man

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