Thursday, March 20, 2014


One more or less normal spring day I was walking along the busy street while people, cars and trucks were passing by. Most people shouted "Hey, Buddy or Whatca doin' Buddy?" After a little while I came across a fire hydrant and it looked so interesting. I decided to go over there and give it a sniff. While I was sniffing I had the sudden urge to go. So then I went. "Hey, what are you thinking?" They all shouted out. "I don't know." I tried to say. But I found out I just couldn't. "Lets go Buddy." someone said in a mean voice. "You're going to confinement." He growled. "Ohhhh." I whimpered. I then got thrown into the back of a cramped truck. It was smelly, small, and dirty. After about 3 hours we stopped. I though that we were going to get a snack break; I was starving. But instead I was thrown into a building and was forced to not to whimper at all. I looked up at the ceiling and thought to myself. How could've I gotten into so much trouble. Then I thought to myself, maybe I gotten into all this trouble because after all, I'm just a dog.

1 comment:

  1. Nice intro. At first I thought the character was a… person. Cool conclusion, too.
    You should add a photo.
