Saturday, January 31, 2015


~The Antipode~






Part 1:

 The orange, pink and yellow glow of the sun was rising in the west on the planet Restome. Many things there are antipode of Earth. The people there know nothing of other worlds but the life they live. Their civilization is incredibly more advanced than Earth. For example, they never have any wars and, they can control the wind and weather with just a push of a button. The weather machine consisted of steps and things so evolved that the Earthlings have never even dreamed of it. In Restome there are huge houses and even the 'poor' live in the huge houses. The poor people in Restome are considered rich on Earth. They also have so many materials everything is bountiful.  They're rich in water, oil, precious stones and other materials.


 Its winter now and very hot, at the temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. In one neighborhood there is a small 10 year old girl who is waiting at a public flying train station with her mom. They're in the rich class and the young girl wears shorts with sparkling gold, diamonds and emeralds. Her earrings and jewelry are diamonds and emeralds. She wears a sparkling shirt of emeralds and rich silk and her flip flops are sliver inlaid with tiny alexandrite chips each weighing less than 0.1 of an ounce. Her name is Sarani which means joy and she really does bring joy to her mother. She brings joy because she always gets A's in school, and always helps her mom when necessary.  Her mother's name is Remeleen, and that means white antelope. Sarani always writes down that name, always asks why her mom doesn't like the name Remeleem. Her mother always replies, 'I'm not an antelope, I'm not graceful, and I don't like people calling me what I'm not, such as 'white antelope'.


 Part 2:


 Sarani Smith and her mother were waiting to go visit Sarani's grandmother who is even wealthier than her mom. She loves seeing her grandmother because she is the only grandparent she has left. She doesn't even have a dad (if she does she never saw him) so when people bring it up she feels a pain deep in her like someone stabbed a knife through her heart, or like a shard of ice that flash freezes when anyone brings the subject of dads up. Her grandmother always hugs and kisses Sarani and feels like she has to buy Sarani's affection. She gives her things such as clothes, jewels and money. Sarani refuses it all. She hates how her grandma thinks that Sarani is shallow enough to love her just because she gives her presents. She loves her grandma anyways-without the gifts.


 Part 3:


 A few blocks down from Sarani's grandma's house was another 10 year old girl whose name was Rosaline Appleseed. When she was young she didn't like her name but as she got older, her love for her name grew. Rosaline lives with her dad and dog named Buddy, in a gigantic mansion. Rosaline also gets all A's and gets highest marks in school. She doesn't need to help clean the house because she has machines to do all the work but always does everything she's told. She loves her dad, whose name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline's dad got rich for growing apple trees, that's why his name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline is standing outside waiting to go visit Johnny's dad. Rosa is wearing an Italian silk blouse with diamonds and sapphires. She's also wearing a diamond necklace, bracelet and earrings. Her shorts have sapphires in the hem of the shorts. Her dad is so rich that they have their very own private flying train.

Part 4:


Rosaline’s grandfather owns 3 dogs so Rosa always bring Buddy to his house so Buddy can play with the other dogs. Even though Rosa has Buddy and tons of friends, she always wanted a sibling. A twin to be exact. Rosa also wants a mom because she wants her dad’s face light up like a light bulb like he used to in the pictures. Once in a while Rosa’s dad smiles but not often. Now the train comes, sleek and elegant for such a large thing. The purring of the train is comforting.

“Let’s go. Do you have your bag?”

“Yes, papa.”

Rosa and her dad always stay for a week or two at her grandfather’s house since he’s lonely and very nice. He always takes the time to ask Rosa how she’s doing at home and in school. She really likes her grandfather but feels a pity that her grandmother died. But it brings Rosa and her grandfather closer together because they both live without someone they both need and want. Rosa’s mother and her grandfather’s wife. But they both deal with it and their dogs help because dogs are very energetic and playful so they help you keep calm and happy.




Friday, January 30, 2015

Literary Essay Draft 3

Going to school and making friends
is hard, doing it with a facial deformity is harder. In the book Wonder by R.J.
Palacio, Auggie overcomes the challenge of going to school with a facial
deformity. He’s brave just to try to go to school but getting thorugh a whole
is really brave. Some people think that its easy to make friends but it takes
more than going to school to make friends. It takes a wonder to that. Most
people think that's it's not that hard, but I think that it takes a lot of
bravery. I think Auggie is a wonder for being that brave.  (7)

the beginning of the story it gives evidence that Auggie is a wonder because
Auggie has two friends and that's an accomplishment to makes friends especially
with a facial deformity. At the beginning not many people were nice to him,
they gave him mean looks and wispered about him. 
example all those people felt 'horrified. Sickened. Scared.' One girl sticks up
for him and sits with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls
who are bullying him and laughing at him to stop it. Jack also sticks up for
him when Julian calls him mean names and bullys him. This shows that he has
really good friends and he really is a wonder for making friends that stick up for

friends stick up for each other, and are really nice to him and treat him like
a normal kid. Like Justin "Yo, don't mess with Auggie." He said that
becuase some kids were bullying him and he stuck up for him. That's what real
friends are even though he's older than Auggie. They all became used to him and
became nice to him. Like this girl Maya who used to not talk to him and now is
nice to him. She gave Auggie a keychain that says 'to the nicest Auggie Doll in
the world.' So people are being nice to him which shows Auggie is a wonder
becuase he can have so many people being nice to him. That's accomplishmement
even without a different face. 

is a wonder becuase he can change the way people feel and think about him.
"I am very pleased to award The Henry Ward Beecher medal to the student
whose quiet strength has carried up 
to the most hearts. So will
August Pullman please come up here to receive this medal?" Auggie changed
everyones perspective on him and how to judge people. I think it's a great
accomplishment for him to get through 5th grade and to have everyone friends
with you and nice to you. His mom is really proud of him. "Thank you


everything you've given us," she said. "For coming into our lives.
For being you." You really are a wonder, Auggie. You are a wonder."

is a real wonder becuase he changed the way his parents look at him and he
changed the way everyone at school thought about him. I think that's a huge
accomplishment to change the way even you're parents look at you. Auggies mom
thinks that he's a wonder and so do I for being so brave to get though 5th

as I think about it everyone is a wonder no matter who they are.  Some people will feel pity towards Auggie,
but you shouldn’t feel pity towards the person. You shouldn’t feel pity you should
instead think about how brave they are and how you can be you just as brave. You
can be a wonder no matter who you are just by being kind. In my life there are
so many people changing other people’s life and that’s what I think being a
wonder is.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Part 1:
The orange, pink and yellow glow of the sun was rising in the west on the planet Restome. Many things there are antipode of Earth. The people there know nothing of other worlds but the life they live. Their civilization is incredibly more advanced than Earth. For example, they never have any wars and, they can control the wind and weather with just a push of a button. The weather machine consisted of steps and things so evolved that the Earthlings have never even dreamed of it. In Restome there are huge houses and even the 'poor' live in the huge houses. The poor people in Restome are considered rich on Earth. They also  have so many materials everything is bountiful.  They're rich in water, oil, precious stones and other materials.

Its winter now and very hot, at the temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. In one neighborhood  there is a small 10 year old girl who is waiting at a public flying train station with her mom. They're in the rich class and the young girl wears shorts with sparkling gold, diamonds and emeralds. Her earrings and jewelry are diamonds and emeralds. She wears a sparkling shirt of emeralds and rich silk and her flip flops are sliver inlaid with tiny alexandrite chips each  weighing less than 0.1 of an ounce. Her name is Sarani which means joy and she really does bring joy to her mother. She brings joy because she always gets A''s in school, and always helps her mom when necessary.  Her mother's name is Remeleen, and that means white antelope. Sarani always writes down that name, always asks why her mom doesn't like the name Remeleem. Her mother always replies, 'I'm not an antelope, I'm not graceful, and I don't like people calling me what I'm not, such as 'white antelope'.

Part 2:

Sarani Smith and her mother were waiting to go visit Sarani's grandmother who is even wealthier than her mom. She loves seeing her grandmother because she is the only grandparent she has left. She doesn't even have a dad (if she does she never saw him) so when people bring it up she feels a pain deep in her like someone stabbed a knife through her heart, or like a shard of ice that flash freezes when anyone brings the subject of dads up. Her grandmother always hugs and kisses Sarani and feels like she has to buy Sarani's affection. She gives her things such as clothes, jewels and money. Sarani refuses it all. She hates how her grandma thinks that Sarani is shallow enough to love her just because she gives her presents. She loves her grandma anyways-without the gifts.

Part 3:

A few blocks down from Sarani's grandma's house was another 10 year old girl whose name was Rosaline Appleseed. When she was young she didn't like her name but as she got older, her love for her name grew. Rosaline lives with her dad in a gigantic mansion and Rosaline also gets all A's and gets highest marks in school. She doesn't need to help clean the house because she has machines to do all the work but always does everything she's told. She loves her dad, whose name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline's dad got rich for growing apple trees, that's why his name is Johnny Appleseed. Rosaline is standing outside waiting to go visit Johnny's dad. Rosa is wearing a Italian silk blouse with diamonds and sapphires. She's also wearing a diamond necklace, bracelet and earrings. Her shorts have sapphires in the hem of the shorts. Her dad is so rich that they have their very own private flying train.  

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Today I watched the play Secusical right after choice hour. I was also selling jewlery right outside the cafeteria. Jordyn was very kind as to give me a free ticket, they were having a sale of buy one get one free. I stood out in the hall waiting for people to come to our stand. Now it's hard for people to concentrate when there's food right across from you so not many people bout stuff in the beginning. So I sat and watched the play with Megan, and Jordyn. I really liked it even though they sung a lot but that's what a musical is. Almost at the end I went in the hall to clean up and this one girl bought $10 worth of jewlery. Then I had to leave but I had a good time!

Wonder Literary Essay

Going to school and making friends is hard, doing it with a facial deformity is harder.  In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie overcomes the challenge of going to school with a facial deformity. Most people think that's it's not that hard but I think that it takes a lot of bravery and I think Auggie is a wonder for being that brave. 

At the beginning of the story it gives evidence that Auggie is a wonder because Auggie has two friends and that's an accomplishment to makes friends especially with a facial deformity. At the beginning not many people were nice to him, they gave him mean looks and wispered about him. 
For example all those people felt 'horrified. Sickened. Scared.' One girl sticks up for him and sits with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls who are bullying him and laughing at him to stop it. Jack also sticks up for him when Julian calls him mean names and bullys him. This shows that he has really good friends and he really is a wonder for making friends that stick up for you.

His friends stick up for each other, and are really nice to him and treat him like a normal kid. Like Justin "Yo, don't mess with Auggie." He said that becuase some kids were bullying him and he stuck up for him. That's what real friends are even though he's older than Auggie. They all became used to him and became nice to him. Like this girl Maya who used to not talk to him and now is nice to him. She gave Auggie a keychain that says 'to the nicest Auggie Doll in the world.' So people are being nice to him which shows Auggie is a wonder becuase he can have so many people being nice to him. That's accomplishmement even without a different face. 

Auggie is a wonder becuase he can change the way people feel and think about him. "I am very pleased to award. The Henry Ward Beecher medal to the student whose quiet strength has carried up 
to the most hearts. So will August Pullman please come up here to receive this medal?" Auggie
changed everyones perspective on him and how to judge people. I think it's a great accomplishment for him to get through 5th grade and to have everyone friends with you and nice to you. His mom is really proud if him. "Thank you Auggie." she answered softly. For everything. For coming into our lives, for being you. You reall are a wonder Auggie. You are a wonder.
"For what?"
"For everything you've given us," she said. "For coming into our lives. For being you." You really are a wonder, Auggie. You are a wonder."
Auggie is a real wonder becuase he changed the way his parents look at him and he changed the way everyone at school thought about him. I think that's a huge accomplishment to change the way even you're parents look at you. Auggies mom thinks that he's a wonder and so do I for being so brave to get though 5th grade. 

That's why I think Auggie is a wonder-for changing so many lives. He's been so brave and he made so many friends. I think that's the bravest kind of bravery.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Yesterday I was sitting in a hard plastic chair in the weird smelling orthodontists office. Now I like my orthodontist just not what she does to my teeth. Yesterday she had to tighten my right side of braces. She also had a super tight band of color. It hurts so 
bad! I can't even chew a steamed potato on my right side. But I can chew chips on my left side. The pain is unmanageable (sometimes) and sometimes I wish I didn't have braces.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Part 1:
The orange, pink and yellow glow of the sun was rising in the west on the planet Restome. Many things there are antipode of Earth. The people there know nothing of other worlds but the life they live. Their civilization is incredibly more advanced than Earth. For example, they never have any wars and, they can control the wind and weather with just a push of a button. The weather machine consisted of steps and things so evolved that the Earthlings have never even dreamed of it. In Restome there are huge houses and even the 'poor' live in the huge houses. The poor people in Restome are considered rich on Earth. They also  have so many materials everything is bountiful.  They're rich in water, oil, precious stones and other materials.

Its winter now and very hot, at the temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. In one neighborhood  there is a small 10 year old girl who is waiting at a public flying train station with her mom. They're in the rich class and the young girl wears shorts with sparkling gold, diamonds and emeralds. Her earrings and jewelry are diamonds and emeralds. She wears a sparkling shirt of emeralds and rich silk and her flip flops are sliver inlaid with tiny alexandrite chips each  weighing less than 0.1 of an ounce. Her name is Sarani which means joy and she really does bring joy to her mother. Her mother's name is Remeleen, and that means white antelope. Sarani always writes down that name, always asks why her mom doesn't like the name Remeleem. Her mother always replies, 'I'm not an antelope, I'm not graceful, and I don't like people calling me what I'm not, such as 'white antelope'.

Part 2:

Sarani and her mother were waiting to go visit Sarani's grandmother who is even wealthier than her mom. She loves seeing her grandmother because she is the only grandparent she has left. She doesn't even have a dad so when people bring it up she feels a pain deep in her like someone stabbed a knife through her heart, or like a shard of ice that flash freezes when anyone brings the subject of dads up. Her grandmother always hugs and kisses Sarani and feels like she has to buy Sarani's affection. She gives her things such as clothes, jewels and money. Sarani refuses it all. She hates how her grandma thinks that Sarani is shallow enough to love her just because she gives her presents. She loves her grandma anyways-without the gifts.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Anipode

The orange, pink and yellow glow of the sun was rising in the west on the planet Restome. Many things there are antipode of Earth. The people there know nothing of other worlds but the life they live. Their civilization is incredibly more advanced than Earth. For example, they never have any wars and, they can control the wind and weather with just a push of a button. The weather machine consisted of steps and things so evolved that the Earthlings have never even dreamed of it. In Restome there are huge houses and even the 'poor' live in the huge houses. The poor people in Restome are considered rich on Earth. They also  have so many materials everything is bountiful.  They're rich in water, oil, precious stones and other materials.

Its winter now and very hot, at the temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. In one neighborhood  there is a small 10 year old girl who is waiting at a public flying train station with her mom. They're in the rich class and the young girl wears shorts with sparkling gold, diamonds and emeralds. Her earrings and jewelry are diamonds and emeralds. She wears a sparkling shirt of emeralds and rich silk and her flip flops are sliver inlaid with tiny alexandrite chips each  weighing less than 0.1 of an ounce.

To be continued...

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Today we raced our gravity cruisers in the Roberts homeroom (all the classes just versed the people in their class). My group (Creative Gravity Engineers) got second place and Eric, Grace, and Colin's group got 1st place. They got 17 feet consistently but ours went 15 feet, 13 or 14 feet, and 3 feet. We were really lucky because before ours was only going 12 or 13 feet sometimes 0. But we got ours to work this time. I don't think I will get past this round though because it was the average of 3 times. But in the finals you only get one chance to do it.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Choice hour forms are going to be put out on Monday and I also have swimming for the first time this year! I love swimming even though I'm not on the swim team. I just like swimming in genral, I like swimming laps and free swim both. But I love playing water polo and basketball even more! That's what I like about swimming.

Wonder Literary Essay

Going to school and making friends is hard, doing it with a facial deformity is harder.  In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie overcomes the challenge of going to school with a facial deformity. Most people think that's it's not that hard but I think that it takes a lot of bravery and I think Auggie is a wonder for being that brave. 

At the beginnig of the story it gives evidence that Auggie is a wonder because Auggie has two friends and that's an accomplishment to makes friends especially with a facial deformity. At the beginning not many people were nice to him, they gave him mean looks and wispered about him.
For example all those people felt 'horrified. Sickened. Scared.' One girl sticks up for him and sits with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls who are bullying him and laughing at him to stop it. Jack also sticks up for him when Julian calls him mean names and bullys him. This shows that he has really good friends and he really is a wonder for making friends that stick up for you.

His friends stick up for each other, and other people who aren't even that good of friends with Auggie and yet almost the school talks to him near the end of the school year.  Like Justin "Yo, don't mess with Auggie." So they all became used to him. Like this girl Maya who used to not talk to him and now is nice to him. She gave Auggie a keychain that says 'to the nicest Auggie Doll in the world.' So people aren't acting like the has the plague anymore and is being nice to Auggie.

Auggie is a wonder becuase he can change the way people feel and think about him. "I am very pleased to award. The Henry Ward Beecher medal to the student whose quiet strength has carried up to the most hearts. So will August Pullman please come up here to receive this medal?" Auggie changed everyones perspective on him and how to judge people. I think it's a great accomplishment for him to get through 5th grade and to have everyone friends with you and nice to you. His mom is really proud if him. "Thank you Auggie." she answered softly. For everything. For coming into our lives, for being you. You reall are a wonder Auggie. You are a wonder.
"For what?"
"For everything you've given us," she said. "For coming into our lives. For being you." You really are a wonder, Auggie. You are a wonder.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I'm sitting in the main office about to do announcements with Ania. Our script is:
S: ZINC Jewlery is selling jewlery every Thursday for the next few weeks.
A: Ohr location is the front of the office.
S: Don't forget to bring your money.
A: Come buy your jewlery!
We also saw Ellie there and together we went where we gave announcements. Ania and I went first then Ellie and Jane. I think we both did really good. I can't wait until tomorrow to make the announce again.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Today I drove to Ania's house to drive her to Seaholm with me for our presentation about Project COPE. We walked in and there was a security guard in a crisp white uniform top with his badge.
"what are you here for today?" He asked.
"Umm, for Project COPE." I replied.
"Oh! Yeah its down the hall all the way down then turn right and it'll be on you're left with a sign on the door."
"Thanks." Me and Ania said in unison.
We started the walk down the hallway when my mom said bye to me and left.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

AHW-I almost forgot

Tomorrow is Monday and I was rushing because tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. day and I have to get up at regular time to go to Seaholm for a presentation about Project COPE just like in Washington D.C. So I was rushing to floss and brush and it was 9:35 then I remembered and it hit me like a lightning bolt 'I have to do my AHW' So now at 9:50 I am doing my AHW and thinking and remembering what I'm going to say because at the practice session Ania and I both messed up a lot. So I'm just hoping I don't mess up and I speak loud enough. I'm also really tired and I can't fall asleep tomorrow at 8:40 when we're presenting.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Wonder Literary Essay

In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie overcomes the challenge of a genetic gene that caused him to look different from other people. My claim of the story is that Auggie is a 'wonder'

Throughout the story Auggie makes new friends that stick up for him against bully's. At the beginning not many people were nice to him until the middle of the school year. For example all those people felt horrified. Sickened. Scared. One girl sticks up for him and sits with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls who are bullying him and laughing at him to stop it.  Summer says "I sat withhim because I felt bad for him. I just went over and sat with him. Not at bigge." Jack also sticks up for him when Julian calls him mean names and bullys him. EVen though Jack gets bullied with Auggie. 

His friends stick up for each other, and other people who aren't even that good of friends with Auggie and yet almost the school talks to him near the end of the school year.  Like Justin "Yo, don't mess with Auggie." So they all became used to him. Like this girl Maya who used to not talk to him and now is nice to him. She gave Auggie a keychain that says 'to the nicest Auggie Doll in the world.' So people aren't acting like the has the plague anymore and is being nice to Auggie.

Auggie is a wonder becuase he can change the way people feel and think about him. "I am very pleased to award. The Henry Ward Beecher medal to the student whose quiet strength has carried up to the most hearts. So will August Pullman please come up here to receive this medal?" Auggie changed everyones perspective on him and how to judge people. I think it's a great accomplishment for him to get through 5th grade and to have everyone friends with you and nice to you. His mom is really proud if him. "Thank you Auggie." she answered softly. For everything. For coming into our lives, for being you. You reall are a wonder Auggie. You are a wonder.
"For what?"
"For everything you've given us," she said. "For coming into our lives. For being you." You really are a wonder, Auggie. You are a wonder.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Right now I'm sitting in the main hallway selling jewelry for Project COPE but since we don't have much business so far I'm doing my AHW and homework. We just had a customer that bought a keychain. But I have really low battery and I can't wait until after choice hour. We're having our practice.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I'm in choice hour and I'm excited for tomorrow when I'm going to go to a practice where we're going to practice our Project COPE speech again. We are going to Groves on Monday where we're going to present again just like D.C. I'm really excited but during choice hour I have to sit in the office becuase I don't have Choice Hour. But it's a great time to do my homework.

Wonder Literary Essay

In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie overcomes the challenge of a genetic gene that caused him to look different from other people. My claim of the story is that Auggie is a 'wonder'

Throughout the story Auggie makes new friends that stick up for him against bully's. At the beginning not many people were nice to him until the middle of the school year. For example all those people felt horrified. Sickened. Scared. One girl sticks up for him and sits with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls who are bullying him and laughing at him to stop it.  Summer says "I sat withhim because I felt bad for him. I just went over and sat with him. Not at bigge." Jack also sticks up for him when Julian calls him mean names and bullys him. EVen though Jack gets bullied with Auggie. 

His friends stick up for each other, and other people who aren't even that good of friends with Auggie and yet almost the school talks to him near the end of the school year.  Like Justin "Yo, don't mess with Auggie." So they all became used to him. Like this girl Maya who used to not talk to him and now is nice to him. She gave Auggie a keychain that says 'to the nicest Auggie Doll in the world.' 

Auggie is a wonder becuase he can change the way people feel and think about him. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Like almost every Tuesday I go to Snow Club where I ski. Today on the bus I sat with Sarah M. and we played Crossy Road for like 5 minutes then read our books. When I got there I put on my ski stuff and went over to buy my lesson ticket.
"Umm, I'd like to buy a lesson ticket for skiing."
"That'll be $9."
What?!? I almost screamed the guy in charge said it would be about 2 or 3 dollars. Not $9. Any ways I bought the ticket and my patch and went to wait for my lesson. I was trying to get my brown patch which is parallel turns. I never been on a chair lift before and I can't explain how I felt the jolt when I got on and how everything felt wobbly to me. And how I felt when I got off and accidently leaned backwards and almost fell down. The first couple times I didn't really get the hang of it but by the end of the lesson I was really good and the guy said I could get my brown patch. I was really happy that I am doing so well with my 3 lessons of skiing and I'm already this far! I couldn't believe it. I was happy and proud of myself.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Once upon a time in a galaxy far away there was a planet called Restored, named after how they restored the place because it was originally a bunch of volcanic rocks. Now it was a sleek country with lots of technology such as hover boards, 3d movies, glasses that are the same as an IPad or Phone, and flying cars. Just like the USA the people were separated into rich, middle, and poor. There were towns were the huge mansions were and castles. There was towns where there were medium houses with a medium yard and medium garden. Everything out the middle class was ok good, not great, or terrible, just ok. Then there was the poor where they lived in small, unbalanced huts that 6 or 7 people had to sleep in, with tiny yards and a huge farm because they have to grow the food for everybody in their city. In the poor town there was 2 little children named Betty and Luna. They were so poor that they only had 1 pair of clothes for each of them (shirt, pants, and shoes, and a coat). They couldn't even afford gloves. Their mother worked their garden while their father and older brother worked at the farm. Now they couldn't afford to go to school like most of the kids in the farming city. They only made hover boards and 3d movies for the middle and upper class. For food they ate 1 time a day and it consists of 1 hunk of bread with a handful of veggies and fruits. One day, in the summer they had to ride to the middle class to sell their crops. There summer are super hot. You could actually fry an egg on the sidewalk. (That was the only time of the year they got a lot of money). When they stepped off the platform Luna saw a girl wearing a bright blue tank top with diamonds and a pair of shorts with emeralds and sapphires. She was wearing a pair of silver colored flip-flops. She had dark brown hair and in the sun it was golden. Her eyes were so dark that when you looked into them you felt like you were falling into a black pit until she smiled. Without her smile, it makes her look scary even though she's not. Her name was Rose. She came from the upper middle class so she could buy that kind of clothes, and believe it or not that was actually her plainest pair of clothes. Since her parents made a lot of money she could buy tickets to 3d movies, and she now has 4 hover boards all in different colors and designs. Her family also has a flying car and has dozens of the glasses that are equivalent of an IPad. Luna couldn't believe her eyes. She never saw someone so rich in her life before. She was kind of hoping one of her diamonds would fall off, and clink. It did fall off and Luna rushed to get it. When her picked it up she felt the coolness of the diamond against her hand and she felt like she had to do the right thing. "Um, excuse me? You dropped your diamond." The girl whirled around.
"What? Oh, thank you so much! No, you can keep it." Rose said.
"Really, oh wow. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Luna shrieked.
She was overjoyed to get that much money just for doing the right thing. Now they might be classified as middle class! Oh boy. She couldn't even think about it. She raced back to the train to tell her parents and her sister.

Wonder - Literary Essay

In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie overcomes the challenge of a genetic gene that caused him to look different from other people. My claim of the story is that Auggie is a 'wonder'

Throughout the story Auggie makes new friends that stick up for him against bully's. At the beginning not many people were nice to him until the middle of the school year. For example all those people felt horrified. Sickened. Scared. One girl sticks up for him and sits with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls who are bullying him and laughing at him to stop it.  Summer says "I sat withhim because I felt bad for him. I just went over and sat with him. Not at bigge." Jack also sticks up for him when Julian calls him mean names and bullys him. EVen though Jack gets bullied with Auggie. 

His friends stick up for each other, and other people who aren't even that good of friends with Auggie and yet almost the school talks to him near the end of the school year.  

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Once upon a time in a galaxy far away there was a planet called Restored, named after how they restored the place because it was originally a bunch of volcanic rocks. Now it was a sleek country with lots of technology such as hover boards, 3d movies, glasses that are the same as an IPad or Phone, and flying cars. Just like the USA the people were separated into rich, middle, and poor. There were towns were the huge mansions were and castles. There was towns where there were medium houses with a medium yard and medium garden. Everything out the middle class was ok good, not great, or terrible, just ok. Then there was the poor where they lived in small, unbalanced huts that 6 or 7 people had to sleep in, with tiny yards and a huge farm because they have to grow the food for everybody in their city. In the poor town there was 2 little children named Betty and Luna. They were so poor that they only had 1 pair of clothes for each of them (shirt, pants, and shoes, and a coat). They couldn't even afford gloves. Their mother worked their garden while their father and older brother worked at the farm. Now they couldn't afford to go to school like most of the kids in the farming city. They only made hover boards and 3d movies for the middle and upper class. For food they ate 1 time a day and it consists of 1 hunk of bread with a handful of veggies and fruits. One day, in the summer they had to ride to the middle class to sell their crops. There summer are super hot. You could actually fry an egg on the sidewalk. (That was the only time of the year they got a lot of money). When they stepped off the platform Luna saw a girl wearing a bright blue tank top with diamonds and a pair of shorts with emeralds and sapphires. She was wearing a pair of silver colored flip-flops. She had dark brown hair and in the sun it was golden. Her eyes were so dark that when you looked into them you felt like you were falling into a black pit until she smiled. Without her smile, it makes her look scary even though she's not. Her name was Rose.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Literary work

Frying his body all day,/ Jacob Johnson/ got a horrible sunburn by afternoon/ because the cheap suntan lotion from his brother/ became a thin liquid and / dripped into the sand.

All kind of vegetables, / from celery to fresh tomatoes, /were laughing or dancing or playing/ in the salad bowl,/ and the salad dressing/ that had been as quiet and unnoticed as the bowl itself/ suddenly giggled with glee.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


In the planet Cerate there was one girl who was dreaming about  looking into her mirror and seeing someone just like her, but when she touched the mirror she disappeared. Halfway across the planet another girl had the same dream. Jenny woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. She slowly got out of her plush bed and slowly walked out of her light green room with an accent wall. Jenny lives in a mansion so big she gets her own floor, instead of her own room.               

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Today was kind of exciting and boring at the same time. Like social studies we did a couple pages in my ISN. But in science we studied designs for our gravity cruisers. I really like designing things becuase I want to be an architectural engineer when I grow up.

Literary Essay-Wonder

In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie overcomes the challenge of a genetic gene that caused him to look different from other people. The theme of the story is that Auggie is a wonder.

Throughout the story Auggie makes new friends that stick up for him against bully's. At the beginning not many people were nice to him until the middle of the school year. For example all those people felt horrified. Sickened. Scared.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


When you ski do you love feeling the wind against your face and breathing in the cool, refreshing air? I do and this is my second time skiing, I bought my own skis and I got them fitted so they are more safe. I am also getting better at moving with my skis on when I'm not on the hills. Today I got my second lesson which to get the yellow patch. I was learning how to do wedge turns and I was pretty good at it (for a beginner) I only fell down 1 time which I think was pretty good! I can't wait until next time. 

Monday, January 5, 2015


Once upon a time in a galaxy far away there was a planet called Restored, named after how they restored the place because it was originally a bunch of volcanic rocks. Now it was a sleek country with lots of technology such as hover boards, 3d movies, glasses that are the same as an IPad or Phone, and flying cars. Just like the USA the people were separated into rich, middle, and poor. There were towns were the huge mansions were and castles. There was towns where there were medium houses with a medium yard and medium garden. Everything out the middle class was ok good, not great, or terrible, just ok. Then there was the poor where they lived in small, unbalanced huts that 6 or 7 people had to sleep in, with tiny yards and a huge farm because they have to grow the food for everybody in their city. In the poor town there was 2 little children named Betty and Luna.