Friday, January 30, 2015

Literary Essay Draft 3

Going to school and making friends
is hard, doing it with a facial deformity is harder. In the book Wonder by R.J.
Palacio, Auggie overcomes the challenge of going to school with a facial
deformity. He’s brave just to try to go to school but getting thorugh a whole
is really brave. Some people think that its easy to make friends but it takes
more than going to school to make friends. It takes a wonder to that. Most
people think that's it's not that hard, but I think that it takes a lot of
bravery. I think Auggie is a wonder for being that brave.  (7)

the beginning of the story it gives evidence that Auggie is a wonder because
Auggie has two friends and that's an accomplishment to makes friends especially
with a facial deformity. At the beginning not many people were nice to him,
they gave him mean looks and wispered about him. 
example all those people felt 'horrified. Sickened. Scared.' One girl sticks up
for him and sits with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls
who are bullying him and laughing at him to stop it. Jack also sticks up for
him when Julian calls him mean names and bullys him. This shows that he has
really good friends and he really is a wonder for making friends that stick up for

friends stick up for each other, and are really nice to him and treat him like
a normal kid. Like Justin "Yo, don't mess with Auggie." He said that
becuase some kids were bullying him and he stuck up for him. That's what real
friends are even though he's older than Auggie. They all became used to him and
became nice to him. Like this girl Maya who used to not talk to him and now is
nice to him. She gave Auggie a keychain that says 'to the nicest Auggie Doll in
the world.' So people are being nice to him which shows Auggie is a wonder
becuase he can have so many people being nice to him. That's accomplishmement
even without a different face. 

is a wonder becuase he can change the way people feel and think about him.
"I am very pleased to award The Henry Ward Beecher medal to the student
whose quiet strength has carried up 
to the most hearts. So will
August Pullman please come up here to receive this medal?" Auggie changed
everyones perspective on him and how to judge people. I think it's a great
accomplishment for him to get through 5th grade and to have everyone friends
with you and nice to you. His mom is really proud of him. "Thank you


everything you've given us," she said. "For coming into our lives.
For being you." You really are a wonder, Auggie. You are a wonder."

is a real wonder becuase he changed the way his parents look at him and he
changed the way everyone at school thought about him. I think that's a huge
accomplishment to change the way even you're parents look at you. Auggies mom
thinks that he's a wonder and so do I for being so brave to get though 5th

as I think about it everyone is a wonder no matter who they are.  Some people will feel pity towards Auggie,
but you shouldn’t feel pity towards the person. You shouldn’t feel pity you should
instead think about how brave they are and how you can be you just as brave. You
can be a wonder no matter who you are just by being kind. In my life there are
so many people changing other people’s life and that’s what I think being a
wonder is.

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