Sunday, January 11, 2015


Once upon a time in a galaxy far away there was a planet called Restored, named after how they restored the place because it was originally a bunch of volcanic rocks. Now it was a sleek country with lots of technology such as hover boards, 3d movies, glasses that are the same as an IPad or Phone, and flying cars. Just like the USA the people were separated into rich, middle, and poor. There were towns were the huge mansions were and castles. There was towns where there were medium houses with a medium yard and medium garden. Everything out the middle class was ok good, not great, or terrible, just ok. Then there was the poor where they lived in small, unbalanced huts that 6 or 7 people had to sleep in, with tiny yards and a huge farm because they have to grow the food for everybody in their city. In the poor town there was 2 little children named Betty and Luna. They were so poor that they only had 1 pair of clothes for each of them (shirt, pants, and shoes, and a coat). They couldn't even afford gloves. Their mother worked their garden while their father and older brother worked at the farm. Now they couldn't afford to go to school like most of the kids in the farming city. They only made hover boards and 3d movies for the middle and upper class. For food they ate 1 time a day and it consists of 1 hunk of bread with a handful of veggies and fruits. One day, in the summer they had to ride to the middle class to sell their crops. There summer are super hot. You could actually fry an egg on the sidewalk. (That was the only time of the year they got a lot of money). When they stepped off the platform Luna saw a girl wearing a bright blue tank top with diamonds and a pair of shorts with emeralds and sapphires. She was wearing a pair of silver colored flip-flops. She had dark brown hair and in the sun it was golden. Her eyes were so dark that when you looked into them you felt like you were falling into a black pit until she smiled. Without her smile, it makes her look scary even though she's not. Her name was Rose.

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