Monday, January 12, 2015

Wonder - Literary Essay

In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie overcomes the challenge of a genetic gene that caused him to look different from other people. My claim of the story is that Auggie is a 'wonder'

Throughout the story Auggie makes new friends that stick up for him against bully's. At the beginning not many people were nice to him until the middle of the school year. For example all those people felt horrified. Sickened. Scared. One girl sticks up for him and sits with him at lunch. Her name is summer and she tells the girls who are bullying him and laughing at him to stop it.  Summer says "I sat withhim because I felt bad for him. I just went over and sat with him. Not at bigge." Jack also sticks up for him when Julian calls him mean names and bullys him. EVen though Jack gets bullied with Auggie. 

His friends stick up for each other, and other people who aren't even that good of friends with Auggie and yet almost the school talks to him near the end of the school year.  

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