Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Like almost every Tuesday I go to Snow Club where I ski. Today on the bus I sat with Sarah M. and we played Crossy Road for like 5 minutes then read our books. When I got there I put on my ski stuff and went over to buy my lesson ticket.
"Umm, I'd like to buy a lesson ticket for skiing."
"That'll be $9."
What?!? I almost screamed the guy in charge said it would be about 2 or 3 dollars. Not $9. Any ways I bought the ticket and my patch and went to wait for my lesson. I was trying to get my brown patch which is parallel turns. I never been on a chair lift before and I can't explain how I felt the jolt when I got on and how everything felt wobbly to me. And how I felt when I got off and accidently leaned backwards and almost fell down. The first couple times I didn't really get the hang of it but by the end of the lesson I was really good and the guy said I could get my brown patch. I was really happy that I am doing so well with my 3 lessons of skiing and I'm already this far! I couldn't believe it. I was happy and proud of myself.

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