Monday, June 15, 2015

The Thunderstorm

“Quick, get into the house Amy!” Suzie yelled. Amy was sitting on the porch looking at the horrible disaster. This was no ordinary thunderstorm, it was an acid thunderstorm where anybody who touched the rain would get severely burned. Amy and Suzie are best friends and Amy came over for a sleepover just a couple hours ago. “No, it’s so pretty, I don’t want to go in.” Amy replied.  The acid in the rain makes it looks shimmery and magical to anyone who looks at it. They can’t resist touching it, but when they do they get burned severely. Amy started to reach her hand our getting closer and closer to the rain drops. “No! Amy, get back!” Suzie yelled frantically. In desperation she lunged towards and dragged Amy into the house and locked the door. “OMG (Oh my gosh)! Thank you so much for saving me Suzie! I might’ve died, I could’ve been in the hospital for a long time! The acid rain is made up of part acid, part poison and part rain. It’s mostly poison, though. “No problem, that’s what friends are for Amy, you would’ve done the same for me wouldn’t you Amy?” Of course, you said it yourself, that’s what real friends are for!” The laughed and ran to the kitchen to get themselves a snack.

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