Wednesday, May 7, 2014

AHW (Getting my teeth pulled out part 2)

Part 1:
Guess what?? Today was the worst!! Let me tell you why. So I had to wake up at 6:45 just to eat breakfast. By the way, I got to sleep in because I was supposed to get my teeth pulled out.  The appointment was at 9:00, but the dentist said I had to eat 2 hours earlier and I only ate 1 cheerio. After I got ready I got into the car and my parents said I could watch T.V. all day because after I got my teeth pulled out. They said I wouldn't want to do anything. I know? Hard to believe but true. So after I got there I had to wait in the waiting room. Then the dentist took us to the room and had to WAIT! Just about now, I'm getting tired of waiting. I just wanted to get my teeth pulled out and be done. That probably sounds weird, I know.

Part 2:

Finally when I was about to be bored to death, the dentist came in rolling a cart with tools. "OK, first we're going to give you 10 minutes of oxygen, then 10 minutes of laughing gas. That good?" "Ok" After the 10 minutes were up they switched to laughing gas. The truth: I didn't feel the difference and I definitely wasn't laughing. I mean I would've freaked out if I did laugh. Then he gave me more numbing medicine with a needle! Isn't that great? No, I'm kidding I didn't want more needles. After that my mouth was numb. "Time to pull the teeth." he said.

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