Friday, October 3, 2014

Crazy Duckling

It was the afternoon on Sunday, July 1st. It was a couple weeks after my 9th birthday. It was a beautiful day to go swimming, sunny and warm. After lunch I begged my dad "Please dad please, can we go to the pool?" Now we live in a condo so we have a pool 1 minute away if we walked. "Ok Shin Be, go get ready" "Yes!!! Thanks dad! By the way could we invite Christina? We live right across from her?" Christina was a friend of mine just a year older than me. My birthday was on her half birthday and her birthday was on my half birthday. "Sure, I'll go invite her than I'll come back up to get you." "Great thanks" I was thinking, this is going to be awesome! So we walked to the pool with Christina and we found out that a couple people were already there. I remembering another time I was at the pool, I was 5 and my dad was teaching me how to swim and float on my back. There was just as many people there as there was now. "Come on, last one in is a rotten egg!" "You're on" So I ran and jumped right into the pool making a huge splash or water land on Christina! "Hey, I'll get you back!" So she jumped into the water splashing me back. "Ha, Ha!" So we were laughing and playing but we noticed that my dad disapeared for a while and when he came back he brought a cooler of snacks. "Thanks Papa! I was getting really hungry!" "Thank you Mr. Felsner, I was also hungry!" Then it happened, right when we sat down to eat. 

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