Saturday, April 4, 2015


Today Zoe and I went to the Detroit Institute of Arts with my parents. The building itself was magnificent and was huge. It also looked like a castle. We walked around a lot and saw all the really detailed and intricate pieces of art. My favorite piece was 'The Pool' which is a painting and it was sooooooo good! It was really detailed and looked 3d. Zoe's favorite piece was 'Yosemite Falls' and that one was also a painting. it was really cool and 3d as well. We also was pottery and statues and stained glass. We also saw rugs and swords, scissors and other really cool things. One thing that jumped out at me was the knights and the armor that was lined up along the hallway. Afterwards we went to Wendy's to get a Frosty. Zoe and I both got swirls (chocolate and vanilla) and my dad and my mom shared a vanilla. On the way home we talked about 'The Voice' and our favorite singers. Mine is Hannah Kirby, Brooke Adee and Blaze Johnson. Zoe's are Mia Z and Brooke Adee. I'll post pictures tomorrow! Happy Easter everyone!

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